• Before the forest claimed them, before they met their guarding angel, twin sisters Kisa and Kita belonged to a man and woman, and they all lived happily in their mansion just on the outside of the city. The man and woman are crazy for each other and protected their daughters with their lives. That was until late one summer night a freak fire separated them. The girls high tail it out the back door leading into the woods, while their parents go to the closest neighbor's house to call for help. Kisa and Kita were searching for their way home and ended getting them selves lost in the widespread woodland. By the time help arrived the fire was nothing more than a pile of hot coals and burned furniture. The man and woman believed their daughters were caught in the fire and feared they did not make it out in time.
    A year passes them by, Kisa remains hopeful they'll find their way out some day, while Kita is giving up on something she no longer believes is idealy realistic. They may be twins but at times they can be opposites.
    Early one morning they lie awake unable to sleep, a falling star sky rockets across the horizon.
    "When ever you see a falling star, it's a soul going to heaven."
    Kita sits up and looks at her sister. "Where did you hear that?"
    "I think I remember mom saying that once."
    As time progresses their small bodies finally say it's time to sleep. At almost an instant both girls experience the same dream of an angel dressed in white from head to toe, white anime hair, white leather gloves, and sparkling wings on his back. His face is handsome, loving and tender. He then separates his flawless lips and whispers, "As long as I'm your guarding angel, no harm shall ever come to you."
    When the girls wake up they're both so excited to share the dream they had, they both speak at the same time. Once they heard the similarity, their mouths nearly drop. Then they begin to wonder, was it really a dream or something different?
    Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months. Soon the man and woman believe they'll never see their precious daughters again, although they're excited about having a new baby, they feel no matter who comes along, they will never replace Kisa and Kita.
    While roaming and jumping and playing without a single care, Kita stops in her tracks when she draws back a branch where a dark circle lies. Kita cries for her sister, Kisa runs through the bushes to answer her call. The dark circle, and the placement itself, causes Kisa to stop short.
    "Kita, do you know where we are?"
    "...this is where our house stood." Kita utters under her breath. Kisa's expression remains blank and unmoved by their discovery.
    "We managed to find the way back." Kisa meant to joke a little because they spent so much time and effort looking for the way back, but now it's meaningless since the man and woman never rebuilt their home.
    "Do you think mom and dad are close by?"
    Kita's voice becomes more determined now, for she never believed they would be able to leave the woods. The guarding angel promised them no harm shall come to them, so he feels it is time for them to reunite with their parents.
    After wandering around the familiar area, they come to a large, newly built, log house built by a man hoping to please his wife. Kisa and Kita exchange glances, and with a single nod of their heads, both of them step out of the woods and peek in the window looking in the living room.
    A woman sits in a wooden rocking chair, and in her left arm is something small wrapped in a blue blanket. Her husband walks in from another room, he stands over his wife and exposes a tiny, pale face fast asleep. Kisa and Kita tap on the window to catch the happy couple's attention, once they look up the man hurries out the door to welcome their daughter's home with open arms. The man carries both twins in his arms to introduce them to their new baby brother. Together they live out the happy life they had from before and act like nothing has changed.
    From the clouds above, the guarding angel watches the happy family come back together for the first time in little over a year. He smiles with the comfort of knowing he did what he was meant to do, and now he may rest in peace. He believes it's never a 'good-bye', it's always a 'see you later'.