• There was once a delinquent who fought everyday
    and there was a girl who lived with him she was protected by him
    she was the heir to a big kimono corporation

    The girl and boy started to fall in love something her father never wanted
    one day he got his daughter and banned her from ever seeing him again
    the two would sneak out and talk for the little time they had
    they tought of a plan so they can be together
    they would use a pop gun to fake the boys death and they would run away
    the gun would make the noise and flash of a real gun but not shoot the bullets it had
    when the day came to fake the death the boy went to the girls house in front
    the father came out stareing
    the boy said "if you dont let me be with her i shall take my life" and put the gun to his head

    next we heard a pop and we see the boy fall
    we see the girl kneeling down and sobbing
    we see a stream of blood coming from the boys head

    he cocked the gun to much and it was loaded with a live round and shot himself