• I saw an angel today. He was beautiful, and nothing like angels are described. They aren’t light beings, clad in white and wearing white wings. He wasn’t like that at all. His hair was olive green; his skin an olive tone. His eyes were fuchsia and his wings… Oh God, his wings were the most magnificent things I had ever seen! They contained all the colors of the rainbow, and some colors the rainbow could never obtain. The flowers surrounding him dimmed in comparison.
    I had been so lonely, walking through the lush gardens completely oblivious to it’s beauty. I was heartbroken and devastated. As I stumbled down a path, nearly falling into a lily pond, mine eyes fell upon an Angel. Standing completely still on the stone bridge spanning the pond. He was gazing down at the fish below him with so much love that it made my heart hurt. Then he turned that gaze to the sky, then the trees, then the grass, then me, and my heart burst with the pain of his love.
    His warm pink eyes looked straight into my soul, his rainbow feathers cradled my shattered heart, and before I knew it, I was in love. In love with the fish, an the sky, and the trees, and the grass. In love with myself and this world. In that one moment, with that one look, he mended my broken heart, and showed me what unconditional love really looked like. In that one moment I realized that my life was a lie. Every relationship I had ever been in was a lie; no one really loved me, not nearly has much as this one little angel did.
    A humble smile played across my lips as I bowed my head to the Angel’s glory. So little my life was, so small my being, and yet he still loved me, more than anyone else ever had. And I resolved to love everything just the same, and maybe one day, someone would love me back.