• She was cold.But who could blame her? She was lost in the ice cap. She tried everything she could to keep warm. But her efforts were in vain. Her feet soon went numb. She tried to stand but instead snapped her black, frozen foot off. She screamed in pain. The poor brunette girl was so scared and so helpless. 36 hours alone. Her tiny body was near its end.Only a single thought passed through her mind. He was her lover and her hope. She remembered how he used to wrap is soft, warm arms around her waist. How magical is was when her lips were intertwined with his. He was so handsome to her. Her memories were so vivid. She thought she had actually felt his breath on her neck. She opened her eyes to see if he was there. But of cores he wasn't. He was deep in the ground in a casket back in Georgia. She began to cry. She missed him so.The tears burned her face like tears of fire. She cried herself to sleep. A sleep from which, she would never awake...10 years later, her body was recovered. She was perfectly preserved in a massive block of ice. But she wasn't found alone. The people that found her cried at the most beautiful and saddest sight they had ever seen. A small woman, in the arms of a man. His soft, warm arms wrapped around her waist and her lips intertwined in his. Everyone whom had seen or heard of these two soul mates learned a new meaning to the phrase "Together Forever ♥"