• Alice woke up to discover she was lying on a leather sofa in her father’s office. She looked up and whispered “Where am I?” she felt so light-headed and dizzy yet she still picked up her head that felt so heavy. There was Mr. Jakes, her father’s attorney and Cousin Ermintrude sitting by. “Hello?” she said warily before receiving a choking hug from her cousin who proclaimed loudly “Oh, my dear little baby! Hoh my!” Alice winced at the sound of her cousin’s shrill voice in her ear and she retracted a little bit. Mr. Jakes put his hand on Ermintrude’s shoulder and said calmly “Why don’t you go get Alice some water?” The little girl felt a little bit better now that the huge arms of Cousin Ermintrude were not around her, squeezing her so hard that she could not breathe. Mr. Jakes carefully noted the relief on Alice’s face as soon as her cousin was out of the room.
    “Well you gave us all a scare,” he said. “Are you feeling a little better” Alice nodded her head and said “Yes, a little. I hope I didn’t make everyone worry about me.” Mr. Jakes gave a small grin before saying “That is an adult’s job, to worry over a child. You are going to be fine I am sure of. Now, you and I had better have a little discussion with Mr. Johannes over who you will be living with. I am sorry to press this on you but you cannot be left alone anymore. Mrs. Dalton and her family have made it clear that they would like you to live with them and their aunt as was your mother’s wishes. They are the only family left on her side. I am sorry, but the Mr. Rolf Greene who was your father’s relative was unable to attend the funeral as he was stuck in Wales. He has given his condolences and he is hopeful you will come to live with him if you want. “ Alice felt confused, on one hand, she did not want to live with the Dalton family but on the other hand, she did not know who this Mr. Rolf was and what if he was worse? Before Alice could reply to Mr. Jakes, the door slammed open to reveal the imposing figure of Ermintrude who fawned over Alice with her “Dears” and “Oh My” before Alice just wanted her gone. “I am fine,” she said calmly before slowly raising herself from the coach. “Excuse me. I should go say hello to some of my mother’s friends in the parlor.” Ermintrude and Mr. Jakes acknowledged her leaving and Alice felt better once she was out of that room.
    The parlor was full of acquaintances of her parents and all gave their words of comfort to her. Every time someone brought up her beautiful mother and how young she was, Alice felt her eyes begin to feel the familiar tears in her eyes. Alice ate her food carefully before shaking the hands of her father’s business partners. The room seemed sweltering even though it was air conditioned, the many people in the large parlor still made Alice feel closed in and claustrophobic. Their mutters and conversations seemed to sound like the buzzing of bees in her head. The mixture of sweat and perfume wavered in the air wand made Alice feel slightly sick. Before she could faint again, she left the room to sit in the quiet hallway and took a deep breath of air, however before she could feel her body relax a little bit, Alice felt the painful thump in the side of her arm. She looked up to see the large Jonah Dalton looking over her in triumph.
    “What was that for?” she asked, holding her pained arm.
    “For making my family worry. Once you live with us that is going to end. Mother just came in to tell me you fainted on the ground and you had better stop those hysterics. “
    “I wasn’t in hysterics it’s just-”
    “Oh ho, Mother told me you must have inherited that from your mother and your father spoiled her. You know your father only married her because Loretta was young and beautiful, but he did not love her at all. That didn’t mean he respected her because he treated her like a child and he spoiled you too and that is why you are the little brat everyone knows you are.”
    “That isn’t true!” insisted Alice. Before she could say anything more, a thin strong hand closed in on Alice, making her already bruised arm feel more in pain. Alice turned around to face a rather short and thin old woman. Her face was ghastly as it seemed to resemble a crone and her eyes were horrible, they were red-rimmed and watery. Her mouth was drawn in a thin line and when she opened her mouth, a horrible smell emitted from then. Alice felt herself grow scared and as she tried to pull her arm away from the old woman, the new stranger said, “Jonah is right! I spoiled your mother and I can see that you are just as spoiled. I am your Aunt Mary, girl and from now on you will stop this whining act.” Alice wiped her tears hurriedly and before finally making her arm free from the old woman. This was all so much to her, in just a week she had lost her parents, having to live with strangers who not only said horrible things to her but also bullied her and now this strange woman was being cruel to her. Alice did not cry anymore but felt a strange strength that was unfamiliar for a child so young. She felt herself grow stiff and her head rise in a prideful manner. The week had been so hard for her and finally in an oddly matured voice “My mother and I were not spoiling in any way. Your grandchildren have come to me and hit me and made lies about me. I didn’t do a thing and if you think I am spoiled because I am sad doesn’t mean a thing to me.” With that, Alice whirled around and walked away.
    An hour later, Alice, the Daltons and the lawyers were in her father’s office. The will was already read; it clearly stated that Alice would be inheriting almost all of her parents’ money and investments. Some went to charity and the codicil added that whoever would take Alice in would have a rather large check to not only take care of their child until she was an adult but also would ensure that the caregiver would be cared for in style. Alice could not help but notice the look of triumph on Cousin Ermintrude’s face. Mr. Jakes took out a letter that was from Mr. Rolf “Here is the letter from the other choice, Mr. Rolf. He was stuck in Wales and could not attend but he states that he would be happy to receive Alice in his care. He also informs me that the check that would be coming once a month would be put in Alice’s bank account, as he is fine without the money. He also states that Alice would be living in his home in California in the United States. If Alice would live with the Daltons, he would be interesting in visiting her. He has neither wife nor children and so Alice Garnet is his only relative.”
    Ermintrude gave a sniff of disdain to this man, she tried to take Alice’s hand but the little girl pulled away. Mr., Johann spoke up “I see in light that Alice does not know this man that she would be better off with the Daltons.”
    “Well, sir I disagree with this. Mr. Rolf has made it clear that he was stuck in Wales. I had some references to his character and he is viable. “
    “Look, we can’t trust this man with Alice Lily Garnet!” Suddenly the door opened and a smooth voice exclaimed “Sir, but all means you can.”
    “Who are you?” questioned Mr. Jakes
    “I am Mr. John Martin.”
    Alice noted the rather youngish man, handsome yet pale/ His completion was slightly pale yet clear and his eyes were large and dark as was his hair. HHe turned to Alice and took her hand in his before saying in a calm voice “I am very sorry to hear about your parent’s death. You have my condolences.” Alice nodded at him and he continued “I know that you are feeling confused about this all and I won’t push you to live with me. The Daltons have a family and so you would have playmates but if you would like to live with me that is fine.” Alice nodded. It was the first time a person approached her without hurting her and so she gave a small smile.
    The conversation between Mr. Rolf and the Daltons began and as Mr. Martin introduced himself there was another disdainful sniff from Ermintrude. According to him, Mr.Rolf was born in Ireland but moved to California. His wife had died some years ago. He was an executive who was gone most of the time but then again he could provide a comfortable home in California in a remote area. Mr. Martin was the family lawyer and Mr. Rolf had sent him to talk at the funeral. Alice did not know what to do, soon she would be stuck with the decision of who to live with and yet she did not know this mother man.When finally the last sniff from Ermintrude came and Mr. Martin said in a calm voice “Do you need a tissue?” to her. Alice’s face turned slightly red as she said “Of course not.”
    After an hour of conversation, Mr. Jakes finally addressed Alice. “Alice, you can’t live alone in this home anymore and so I am going to have to ask you who will you want to live with the Daltons or Mr. Rolf?”
    Alice felt herself ponder the question, as much as she did not know Mr. Rolf he surely must have been better then the Daltons who were very cruel to her. Despite everything Alice had to think of things carefully. Finally, in a voice Alice never heard before in a tone that was oddly mature she said "I would like to live with Mr. Rolf" Before Alice could hear anything else she said "May I please go outside?" Before they could reply. Alice stepped out into the garden. It was strange, the storm this morning had stopped but there was a feeling of trepidation in her heart. Had she made the right choice? Would Mr. Rolf hurt her? Alice knew that if anything should happen to her, she would care for herself. A sound came behind her and it was Mr. Martin who approached her carefully. "I am sure Mr. Rolf would be happy with your decision. You will be leacving on a train to his home in the country before he can leave Wales.He informed me that if you decided to live with him, he was to give you this." He handed her a letter before adding " I will stay with you until you arrive at the countryhome. It is rather far from here. Now I have to go inside and deal wtih the Daltons" he gave a sneer " They don't seem happy with your decision." Alice grinned at the thought of their disappointment and she sat down on teh grass to take out the letter. There was no paragraphs, nothing but the words "[ Jeduci Mai Serine Famile pax/i] as Alice read these funny words she gave a look of confusion what did these words mean? She said them over and over in her mind before saying out loud in a quaky voice " Jeduci Mai Serine Famile"
    Suddenly the storm that occured this morning came back, the crash of thunder made the ground shake, the sight of the lightening sizzling in the sky made Alice scream in surprise and fear. Rain poured down on the girl and before she knew it, the wind had whipped the trees widly. Alice ran inside and wondered how that storm began. Was it possible those words caused it? No! That could never happen she thought. Could it?

    Part IV: Consequences

    The Daltons' reactions, saying goodbye to mother and the train ride

    Who is Mr. Rolf? What kind of home will she be living in? Find out