• I watched as the wind blew leaves out of my path, enjoying the sensation of having the breeze hit this new form I had. The trees around me whispered in the winter weather, singing soft songs that my new, more sensitive ears could decipher. It was a funny feeling, being like that I mean. I wasn’t quite sure whether I liked it or not.
    Looking up, I saw that the moon was huge in the sky. The stars dotted around it looked like silver paint splashed onto a black canvass. And again I had the privilege of looking at it through new, brighter eyes. I guess I could make my peace with what happened to me, especially since that now when I looked up at the sky I could really see what was up there.
    The moon shimmered in a silvery halo, emitting faint beams of light into the sky. I could even make out the little crevices that aligned the moons surface. I could see them stars flicker and shine, one after another. When I looked at one of them I was able to watch as the small shimmering speck burst, releasing pieces of diamonds into the sky. It was amazing. Beautiful. The sky was so black. Like a curtain of darkness.
    I supposed it was time to try walking. After all, I couldn’t just stay there for long. And anyway, my body would be found soon. My scream probably didn’t go unheard and after the many animal attacks that had already occurred that’s what they would realise had happened to me. I didn’t want to be around when they found me. It just wouldn’t be right.
    So I did. I walked. It was strange. Like walking on foam. I knew that there was something beneath my feet, but it also felt like I was walking on air. When I looked down I could see that I couldn’t feel anything as I stepped on the hard stone ground. It was odd. Experimentally I stamped my foot on a stone, but I didn’t fell a thing. There was no blood slipping from a wound that would have been in my foot, had I been alive that is. I picked up the pointy stone and drove it into my arm. Nothing. Odd. But not so odd I suppose. I mean, what was going to happen. I was going to bleed to life.
    That’s when I heard voiced ahead of me. I dropped the stone – which clattered to the pebbly ground – and was about to hide when I remembered that they probably couldn’t see me. In front, three figures appeared, laden with hiking gear. It looked like a mom, dad and a child. The child was clinging to her parents’ hands as if that could protect her from the horrors that lived in this forest. As they got closer I could hear what they were saying.
    ‘- but its not like they will come after us,’ the dad said, apparently trying to reassure his daughter, whose chestnut eyes were wide and full of fear.
    I felt a pang of sympathy for the frightened girl. She looked so young. And she was afraid. No doubt they had heard of the mysterious animals that lived in this place. Then why did they come here?
    They walked past me and suddenly the girl stopped and looked directly at me. I had to stifle a gasp because she could obviously see me.
    ‘Mom’ the girl said nervously but I quickly but my finger over my mouth, using my eyes to beg her not to say anything.
    ‘Yes darling’ her mother said.
    The girl looked closely at me. I shook my head slowly. Her mother looked at me and for a second my heart - or at least whatever was in my chest - froze as I thought that she could see me to, but she just looked at her daughter, concern and confusion etched on her face.
    ‘Yes’ she prompted again.
    ‘Nothing. I just… thought I saw something,’
    I mouthed thank you (Not daring to speak just in case my voice could be heard). The girl nodded and walked away clinging onto her parents hands. I could see them both exchange a look above the girl’s head. A look that seemed to say ‘she’s doing it again’

    That was then. This is now. I look for that girl, although I’m pretty sure she isn’t a girl anymore. I also look for the other she might see. So far I haven’t found her or any other… whatever I am. Come to think of it I don’t really know. I suppose ghost, but that makes me seem too much like a figure with a sheet over its head. I could say phantom, which I personally like the sound of, but I don’t haunt people. I think I go a term that I thought up a while ago: A Wonderer. Looking up at the black sky… So very black… Like a curtain of darkness.