• Single Women

    Craigslist...Its amazing how you are able find single women looking for that one guy, on a site for selling items... all women have that perfect picture painted in are heads about the one perfect guy... for some he is tall, handsome, and rich. For others its the one who makes you laugh, makes you happy even when things are going bad, the one who no matter what he is doing will leave and come be by your side when you need him the most, but really is there such thing as a perfect man??

    Most girls grow up with the Cinderella fantasy that one day they will find the perfect guy and have the perfect life... if there really is such a thing as a perfect life?? then why are most of these women still single?
    why hasn't that perfect guy come sweep them off there feet and make the childhood fantasy come true?
    For some they believe that they have found the perfect one for them, he has the same interests, looks some what like the perfect guy. As if he had been wrapped up and handed to her, an maybe she will marry him and things will go well at first, but in the end she will cheat on him to be with the guy that she thought was imperfect. who was really prince charming in different wrapping paper.
    In other cases there is the couple who are" soul-mates" they are the lucky women who have found the man that was willing to slow down his life to spend it to be with her, yes he may have his little flaws but really who doesn't??
    so i ask.. is there such thing as a perfect man? or is it just something women have come up with based on the Cinderella fantasy? and the pretty wrapping paper?