• The Maxwell House Part 5
    Brothers suck


    "Oh honestly Drake....why must you make such a mess with your food..." Said Maria, who was wiping blood from Drakes face

    Drake chuckled and pushed her hand away. "It's not my fault that my prey struggles...besides it would kill me inside, figuratively at least, to be as proper as my older brother."

    Maria sighed. "Drake...Your brother is part of the highest branch of the family...he is adviser to Kara... and you well...your just another member of the Abandoned..."

    Drake growled. "Shut up! My brother lied and cheated to get where he is...I'm Not The useless little brother everyone thinks I am...the one you think I am..."
    Drake barley took a step and he was out of his room and outside. "She doesn't get it...Daniel has always been the perfect one... but no ones gets how much better I can be..."

    Back inside Maria sat in a lush, black leather chair thinking ."Why doesn't he ever talk about Daniel...What happened between those two that cause Drake to be sent to this branch." She sat and started writing her ideas down, each one more terrible then the last. Each new idea made her feel worse for Drake. At the same time her curiosity made the ideas keep coming... The latest idea seem almost insane, but she was going to go with it, she was going to request a visit to the Crimson family branch, where the one and only Daniel Maxwell resides.