• Etsuko was waking up when she heard a strange sound *click clad cling* she was about to go to the bathroom but suddenly she had a urge to go out the room. She went the room, she saw people who was animals but there were talking a other language suddenly she became a rabbit, when things couldn't get any worse she became forgot to speak any language expect the language of those people. When she was wondering around she saw a sign but she couldn't read but then a mysterious person wearing a robe he said the sign in English the sign said ''The Great Mudi-Hudi" . Etsuko was suprised when she was about to see the man he disappeared. Etsuko was again suprised, so again she was wondering again to see that Mudi-Hudi, she saw a sign that that looks like the sign she saw earlier the arrow points to the brick road but a road was long and bumpy she needed a ride to there she saw a large caterpillar was just slithering around but it was going there to so she talk to the caterpillar(she can talk like that right) she took a ride while she was riding she though about the things what happened to her family, she was about to cry when the caterpillar stop she felt a strange energy surrounding them then some bandits was about to attack when the mysterious man when to the fight. Etsuko felt that someone been following her and she thinks it that man was following her but after the fight the man said he didn't follow her and when she was at Mudi-Hudi she saw a friend called Hiroko, Etsuko told what happened to her, Hiroko told that she was the one following her, Etsuko was shocked, she asked why she was following her she said "I'am the who sent you here'' And Hiroko stabbed her in the back but she didn't feel anything and she woke up in her bed and her mom saying"Etsuko hurry up your going to be late for school" when she was about to go out she had a feeling that she was feeling followed she hurried to the car but when she got home nobody was there. But she was there ...............................