• Comatose


    Beneath my bare feet the dirt of the well worn path worms its way in between my toes. I hear the playful shriek of a daughter dryad that is weaving her cherry blossom body through the trees. The clear blue spring beside me has a full moons light shinning down upon it. My body aches to jump in and swim to the rock where the mermaid with shimmering blue hair resides and ask her to sing me the song of the twelve who dance constantly. But I know that that cannot come to be. The majestic smell of the evergreens reaches my nose once again as an excited squirrel leaps from branch from branch causing the crisp red leaves to make the sound of crinkling. I inhale the sent slowly, savoring it. I am not lost yet I do not know the name of the land I am standing upon. I am in a comatose state, I am at peace.