• Most of the time when the pull was as strong as it was now, I was down there, standing in those cursed fields of gold. But now I was floating, gazing down at those hills, drifting closer and closer. I knew that They were here somewhere, They always were.
    It took me a minute but when I finally found Them I wished I had given up the search long ago. They were gathered on the flat top of one of the rises, dancing and singing in Their creepy little voices. They often liked to taunt me, unnerve me, so They did things they knew I would find scary. But I had never seen anything like this before. The ones on the outside were simply standing there dressed all in white. Those twirling around in the oval that ended in points were similarly dressed except in the very center where a group dressed in gray made another circle like the one on the outside, outsiders standing, inside a swirl of dancers. And a final black circle in the center, all still, solemn black robed Fey, royals, all royals. I had only seen one or two of these elusive beings in my many visits here.
    Fey were many things, elves, nymphs, dryads, brownies, gnomes, trolls, elementals, and sprites. But the most commonly known were the Faeries, the royals. They stood rock still as around Them, Their subjects laughed and twirled. But I was not being pulled toward the strange formation below. I was drawn to a tall figure at the center of the faeries. He was different, more relaxed and instead of the heavy concealing cloak that the others wore he donned a simple black T-shirt and jeans, looking like every other teenager I had ever seen. Was he like me, trapped in the world of Fey, unable to escape? Since he was looking down I could not tell exactly how old he was though my best guess was that he was a very tall 16 year old. And then as if he sensed my presence above him he glanced up, raven hair falling from a pale face. And ancient grays eyes looked up at me dancing with mischief. Repulsion coursed through my veins. Ugh, he was one of Them a disgusting beast who had lured me down here.
    I tried to pull back but the pull was strong, too strong. No ordinary fey, even a faerie should have this much power. Maybe if it had been all of Them together pulling me it would be reasonable but it was him, only him that drew me forward and it was then looking at him trapped in his eyes endless gray depths that I realized what their formation was. He finally let me go, so that I drifted up, farther into reality but his voice followed me even there.
    “We will be watching you!” he laughed as the giant gray eye faded from sight.