• I ran fast. Faster then anyone I've ever seen. I was determined. I needed to find hayden. I had a gut feeling that there was another vampire in the forest and i hoped it was him. I scanned one section of that forest and almost missed her. Her golden blonde hair. She was growing flowers with her mind, one of her special powers. I walked closer, close enough for her to hear my footsteps. she turned and I remember the last day I saw her in the Volturi. *She looked mad. She was crying and yelling at Aro. Then, she was gone.* I opened my arms as to hug her since it had been so long since I had communicated with anyone. "My name is Sage. I came from Italy to America in search of my true love. I've seen you before, but you have never met me. I am one of Aros gifted guards." She now looked terrified. she got up and started to back away but i said " I'm not of the ones who killed your coven. On the contrary, I was the one that convinced Aro to pardon you and raise you. I would like to be friends, not enemies, so please don't run away." I put the image of me yelling at Aro and telling him to spare her in her head. She was immediantly relieved. After that day we have been inseparable. We are in search of my love Hayden and are practicing our powers. This is our story.