• Prologue
    No one knew the terror lurking in the near future.No one knew what was coming.The moon glared at Sasine as though it felt sorry for it and thought that it wouldn't be there much longer.It was almost right except it didn't know one person could save Sasine.

    Ali stared at the sign as though it would move if she turned her head."Ali!"Kaley called with their friend Jessica coming behind her.Ali did not move."What's wrong?"Jessica asked as she ran to Ali.In front of their eyes was a large sign saying "Closed"and below that scribbled in small letters "Permentaly"Jessica glared at it and once Kaley saw it she glared.
    The sign was on Ramen City:Taste of Japan.Ali's older brother, Tai worked there.Ten years ago their parents had died in an car accident and Tai worked at Ramen City to keep their house.He worked full time and was hardly ever home so Ali and her friends would come visit him.
    "This is bad!"We willl lose the house and we won't have any food and and."Take a deep breath and breathe in and out calmly."Jessica said.She closed her eyes.Then her eyes opened.The door to Ramen City opened and Tai stepped out.His blond hair was spikey and his chocolate eyes mad most girls melt.He was always calm and relaxed,but today you could tell he wasn't.Ali had long pink hair and blue eyes that made you think of the sea.Her hair flew into her face as she stared at her brother with desperate hopeless eyes.

    Starts Sunday or Monday......