• this topic is for posting story you have writen or are writing.

    I'm writing a story called: Love Of Darkness....
    it is about:
    have you ever wanted to re-wright your life well this is what i did . I took everthing i ever wanted to happen to me and made a story .
    a small town Gothic chick named Angel and her 2 Best Friends , Irene and Rhiannon ,how always wanted to fall in love with Emo /Vamp Guys and be turned in to Vamps....
    but after a news report about a Vamps siding .... the there Friends head off and investigate the crime seen .. .. they found the guys that they always wished for ....that night there life s change for ever...the next day they found there new guy friends join there school... but now Angel has to face the truth .... she Loves Vladimir.... week and week go by ... a girl name Vicey starts hitting on Vladimir and his Brothers , Edwerd and Tomathin .. Angel and her best Friend get pissed , but the only one to get some creg is Angel ... and she gets into a fight with Vicey ... after defeating Vicey Angel soon realizes that Viceys is a Vampire.....soon after shearing her feeling to Vladimir , Angel , her best friends , the Vamp brothers and the hole school go on a field trip to the Ute Museum... Vicey and her hole Family gang up on Angel .... after being brutally beat up by Viceys Family... Angel slowly die a painful death.... but her Vamp prince charming saves her by turning her in to a Vampire .....now Angel is confused with her new life as a Vampire....she is now meet by almost losing her Best friends , a huge war , and losing the one she loves ..... how will Angel survive in her new life as a Vampire .... well you will just have to read the book....

    anyone how wishes to learn more plz PM me ...