• tab CRASH.
    tab I looked down at all the glass that shattered. I knew we were never going to make out of here. Well not alive, at the very least. I felt a hand turn up my chin. Like always I felt like he read my mind.
    tab "Don't give up."
    tab I didn't want to give up but what was I suppose to do? We weren't going to be able to go home. We'd have to be on the run, but from the way he looked at me, I could tell he didn't mind leaving everything behind. He shouldn't feel that way about me. I shouldn't be feeling that way about him.
    tab "Just follow me and stay down low." I said, "We need to get to a room with a window. Then try to get out of here." How exactly were we going to do that, I wasn't quite sure. We were on the third floor of the building. It was lucky that I decided to drive today. A glass vase shattered above my head, making me cut and scratch my palms as we crawled to our safety.
    tab "You won't make it out." A voice said. Hearing that voice made my skin crawl. I knew who he was and coulndn't believe that he woould betray me. But I didn't have to think about that. "I won't let you." I could tell he was going to start talking, which meant he wouldn't be able to hear us moving glass. I felt a tug behind me and stopped.
    tab "Dont' move." It looked liked Xander stopped breathing. "He's trying to distract us. Just wait."
    tab It amazed me that he wasn't a Deletor. He would have made a great one. I stared at him, imaging what it would be like if my life was normal. I wouldn't be able to protect him, that's for sure, but perhaps he wouldn't need a Savior. He stared back, thinking only God knows what. Did I love him? No. Not yet. I was a monster. I wasn't allowed to love someone like him. But he trusted me. Trust that I did not deserve. I didn't want to get held up in sorrow. I needed to get us out alive.
    tab "Come on. Let's go."