• Chapter 10: Campsite
    Kauri walked over to the small car, feeling a little dizzy. She opened the door, sat down, and put her hand on her head. She was glad her stuff was still in the backseat so she wouldn’t have to carry it again. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tried to concentrate on things other than her headache and dizziness.
    “Are you ok?” she heard from the drivers seat.
    “Yea, I’m fine. Cameron, do you think you can help me set everything up?”
    “Yea, of course. I was planning on it. You’re not ok, are you? You never ask for help. You always want to try everything for yourself until you give up completely, and then you try once more,” Cameron pointed out, keeping a healthy balance of looking at her and the road.
    “I’m fine!” Kauri snapped. After a few moments passed, she realized how rude she had just been to the only person who had helped her through all this. She sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just… I have no idea what’s going on anymore. 2 days ago, I had a place to live, and 4 days ago I had no bruised. A week ago, I had no idea I was pregnant! Now, all that has happened, and I really want some olives.”
    Cameron turned and gave her a strange look at the last sentence. “What?”
    Kauri stopped and thought about what she had just said. “I don’t know, that sandwich had olives, and those satisfied me so much. I never knew how much I liked olives until this morning. Now I really want some more.”
    Cameron shook his head. “That’s your craving. Your baby likes olives. That’s honestly one of the strangest cravings I have ever heard of.”
    “Pull over. I want to live in those woods. Those ones right there,” she stated as she pointed her finger out the window.
    The car pulled as close as possible to the shady woods. To Kauri, the small hike seemed like forever away. She grabbed her stuff and began to walk towards the tall trees in the distance. Cameron offered several times to help her, but she rejected him each and every time.
    The heavy load quickly became heavier, and the water bottle in her right hand began to rapidly shake. Everything seemed like a dream, and the edges of her vision became faded. She heard a distant yet familiar voice chime in, saying “Are you ok? You look pale.” Everything suddenly became dark, and only Cameron knows the next few moments of Kauri’s life.