• -------------------------Number.1.(*.The Journey*)-----------------------------------------

    So far Ryku meet up with his friends.Ducth,Mike,Dave,Sumi,sarah,Bear his and their teacher Riley and made a Gymner team,Team Rookie
    (Ryku:So were almost in Twinclover town right then were waisting time riding on our hover boards lets keep up the nitris blaugh . (Sarah:Ryku you idiot if you go to fast your not gonna make it to the gym wait we made it.Then Team Rokie made it to Twinclover town.Skyscrapers its a matropilis.(Riley:So now we need to just find the Gym ah.Riley bumbed into a guy with green hair and a vest on.(Riley:Excuse me sir.(Man:You better be he said picking up Riley by his shirt.(Riley:You know im a gymber you have no chance.Riley grabed a gun out of his pocket.(Man:Hmp im Gambo a Gymner to punk.Then Gambo threw Riley at the ground.Then Gambo walked over to where the Gym was and went inside.(Ryku:Why that punk is gonna get next time.(Riley:Lets go inside guys then the team went inside the gym.(Anoucher:Today for the 1st Gym we have Rowak a rock type Gymner will the Gymner's we have today suprise Gymner and get his ribbion.(Ryku:Well here we go the 1st Gym.