• “Tsuki wake up!” My stupid twin brother/captain/daily annoyance, yelled. I know he’s my twin, but sometimes I really think I hate him!
    “I’m up already! Jeez have a cow why don’t ‘ya!” I yelled back.
    “Hey!! I’m your Captain, respect me damn it!” He yelled obviously mad at me, we had a fight like this almost every other day.
    “See ‘ya!” I said as I walked out the door.
    “Don’t you walk away from me! Come back here and face me damn it!!” He continued to yell but I was already half way to my office. I was just below Lieutenant in rank, but honestly I could have been a Captain. Man I hated this… living in my brother’s shadow, not being allowed to show anyone my Bankai… my mind drifted until:
    “TSUKI!!!” Someone yelled, seemingly angry.
    “Brother must you be so loud, we are passing the 4th Division. There are sick and injured people resting you know.” I said very calmly, knowing him he would probably destroy the whole place in his fury if I didn’t calm him down.
    “WHY DID YOU JUST ******** LEAVE THE HOUSE?!?!” He yelled at me, why was he so mad about something I did on a regular basis?
    “Brother, please calm down.” I said looking him straight in the eyes, trying to get him to understand that people would soon be flocking here to see what the commotion was. And that Captain Unohana would not be pleased that her patients were being disturbed.
    “Fine. Follow me, I have to tell you something.” He told me, seeming to have calmed down a bit. ‘Thank gods’.