• Was my immortality really worth it? Could I bare to watch everyone around me fall and crumble, while I rose higher? I asked myself everyday. As each day passed, those around me aged, while I stayed pale and beautiful. I was cursed with the Blood Moon, every Full Moon my demons would arise, I would terrorize entire cities, only to quench my thirst. Tonight was one of the Moon, and my curse was to be unleashed. The Sun quickly fell, giving way to the starry night, but more importantly to the Moon. I stood in silence, surrounded by trees and brushes, as far from any man as possible. The transformation began, it started from the bottom and worked it’s way up. First my body was engulfed in black, my eyes glowed a bright red, the color of Hell. Then my hands grew knives of nail, my ears grew too the height of an Elf’s, my feet grew the talons of Sparrow, and my black body was engulfed by the coarse black hair of the Devil. I screamed in pain, my voice transformed from Human to animal midway. I was no longer Human, I was the Devil’s Demon, as Humans would say, a “Werewolf.” I had become heavy with muscle, but moving was easy. I lunged forward, through the trees and bushes. My eyes allowed me to see miles forward, my ears heard the slightest of sound, and my body moved in complete silence. I stopped, I was only a mere mile from the place of my transformation. Something had moved. I lifted my ears, they were listening…The noise came from my left, lunging I pounced a Rabbit. It was dead the second my warm body touched it. I ate it whole, it was food, no matter how little of it. I licked my claws then continued on my previous route. I was completely out of the forest in 2 hours, the loss of trees was grieved by a stretch of road. I could finally feed my insatiable hunger…If I could find a city that tailed this road. I stayed to the side of the road, I didn’t want to immediately be seen by people, I needed to be sneaky about my feeding. I had made it as hard as possible to get to a city, for I knew what destruction came about if I did. I only had 6 hours to eat, I ran faster, thinking about it made me hungrier. There was a bend in the road, so I jumped onto the street and turned with it. Bright yellow lights raced at me, I froze, my Human brain was over-powering me, fear was an emotion Werewolves did not know on their own. The car hit me head on, I stayed in place. But the car was bent around me, crushed to 4 feet in width. I didn’t feel a thing. I bent the metal that surrounded me away. Then I walked over to what used to be the left window of the car. I stuck my snout inside, the scent of blood filled the silent air, it was stale with death. The blood made me lose my appetite for a moment, stale blood for a Werewolf was like stale chips for a Human. Then something started crying…