• Ophelia suffered from the same nightmare again and again, she was running through the school grounds, past the sakura trees, and as the petals slowly fell to the ground she would always begin to have the strong feeling of forboding. As she crossed the path in her dreams, she always saw something different, this time she saw a mirror embedded in the trunk of a tree. She lifted her leg past the other as she began to move, but stopped once she felt something in her pocket.
    Slipping her hand into her pocket, she pulled out what appeared to be a mirror, somewhat similar to the one she had seen in the tree, glancing at her reflection, she lifted a hand and the reflection followed. She gently chided herself for being scared as she watched her reflection follow her action of running her fingers through the long black hair that cascaded down her back. Ophelia kept her electric blue eyes on that reflection in case something was amiss.
    Her reflection told her nothing, but she knew something was up. Slipping the mirror back into the comforts of her pocket, she continued forward with her stride toward that mirror she had seen embedded in the tree.

    Chapter 1.

    The sunlight flowed through the curtains, a little too eager to complain, it was soft that dawn but harsh to her eyes. Sitting up, Ophelia yawned and she glanced around her room. With that little light, she saw that everything was still the same. She reached over to her lamp and turned it on, with the strong lights hurting her eyes, she recoiled back into the blankets, yanking the covers over her head. What was that dream she had last night? Why didn't it end there and then?
    She pulled the covers off her head and she glared at the sunlight filtering through the curtains, 'It's your fault...' she growled.
    Ophelia pulled open the curtains and she saw the clouds that softened the light that morning, dark storm clouds with the ominous aura around. She sighed before she smiled at the sky above, the weather was perfect. She glanced at the time she sighed before yanking the shower curtains open. Time to shower... she thought.
    Gritting her teeth, the water started off freezing and the sudden chill woke her from her reverie and she let the water cascade down her body.
    Sighing once she came out of the shower before she leaned over the sink and began to wash her face and brush her teeth, she thanked the fact she was in the dormitory and not staying at home with a pesky brother and parents that made the house rather lively. Or.. Too lively, she thought.
    Pausing at the mirror she ran her eyes over her figure before she got dressed in the school uniform, after tying her hair up with a red ribbon, the final thing she did was slide her pendant over her head and let it rest on her neck. She reached over to the other table and picked up her spectacles and she wore it; her eyesight was not that bad, but sometimes she just felt more secure wearing it.
    Picking up her bag, she left the room, picking out the key in a swift twist of her wrist.
    It was another day at school...

    Chapter 2.

    Entering the premises of the school, she headed straight to her homeroom where her lead tutor was droning on about students being late, when in actual fact they were fifteen minutes early. Ophelia rolled her eyes in response as she headed to her seat, her eyes lingered on a few people who sat near her. Leah, who had her hair done in a bun with a braid decorating the side. That day she wore lipstick and heavy eyeliner, rather distasteful, she noted.
    Her eyes then lingered on Xena, that day, instead of having her hair done up, it curled around her chin in small ringlets and she wore light eyeliner and a slight touch of bronzer.
    This was her class, Class Two-Thirteen. Consisting of twenty-five students, and one teacher in charge. This was a rather average class to the school community.
    The people around her aspired to be in Class Two-One. The elite students of the year were in that class. Not only were they incredibly talented but they were also blessed with the best looks of the year.
    Everyone in Year Two had their eyes on someone in Two-One, on her side... Ophelia fancied Icarus, a tall dark haired and brown eyed male from Two-One, born on the thirteenth of December and who was a well known pianist in the year. Only once, did Ophelia hear him play the piano and she craved to hear it again.
    The time in school seemed to pass by really fast and before she knew it, it was the end of the day.
    She picked up her bag and as she willed her way out of the door she let that wish of hearing Icarus play again enter her heart. She believed in it in all her might. The classes from Two-One were a little different from the other students, they started earlier in the morning when it was dark and they stayed indoors with lavish facilities and ended later at night. Of course, they had more free periods and options given to them rather than the other classes.
    Leaving the doors of the Main Block she walked into the Path lined with Sakura trees, as she stood there in the clouds of the day, she heard the tinkling of the piano. Her heart raced as she heard it. She smiled, Icarus was playing the piano.

    Chapter 3.

    As the sounds of the piano drifted to her, she realised she somewhat knew the tune and she began to hum it under her breath, she had heard it before but she couldn't put her finger on where exactly she had heard it. As her thoughts began to move vaguely around, she found herself retracing the steps to the tree she had seen in her dream last night, towards the shade of the Sakura Trees.
    She let the cool embrace her as she shadows came forth and she caught a glint from a tree. Ophelia vaguely recalled the mirror in the tree trunk as she stepped forward and she leaned forward to take a look, someone called out her name and reached a hand out and grabbed her but not before she had seen what the mirror had reflected back.
    Her eyes snapped back into reality of the harsh light around, despite the clouds and the piano music. She sighed and she closed her eyes and let the darkness embrace her.
    Ophelia was in the dream again she went up to the tree this time and she looked into the mirror, and she saw an image of herself, she had short silver hair, red irises and a pale complexion. This time there was a faint sound of music, a soft tinkling sound of a piano being played to a song that pulled at her heartstrings, she knew that song...
    She jolted awake and she found herself in her room and she knew something had happened earlier that day. The sunlight had gone and it was night, but she knew it had something to do with that repeating dream she always had. But for once, she had seen what was in the mirror.
    Standing up, Ophelia glanced at her reflection in the full length mirror in her room as she tugged at her long locks and she rolled her eyes again, before she opened a drawer and pulled out a scissors.
    Pulling her hair into place with a few pins, she began to cut.