• When I woke up the sun was shining on me and it felt as if it irritated my skin, so I tried to rise from the bed to open up the curtains but when I tried to pick up my arm it wouldn't move. I realized then that I was paralyzed. The sun continued to irritate my skin. It started burning, I wanted to scream but I couldn't bring myself to do so it was then that the blood in my body started burning and I was in such an agonizing pain that I just wanted to die and be ride of all this pain. I shut my eyes and tried to ignore the pain, but of course it did not work.
    After a few hours the pain started to fade and I wasn't completely paralyzed. I could wiggle my fingers and toes. But as for moving my arms or legs I found this to be impossible. The sun started to set and my skin felt much better.
    As the sun started to fall I observed the room and realized it was my own. I heard voices mumbling outside of my door. The door opened and I couldn't turn to see who had come in because my neck was still paralyzed. My unknown visitor, or visitors, approached the bed.
    I took a moment to observe them. The man standing directly in front of me looked young, no older than 22. He looked lean but built. he had perfectly straight black hair that made a fine line just above his eyes, which were a pale white. His skin complexion looked as if he were an albino. He was wearing a tight fitting black button down shirt with dark fitted blue jeans.
    The other person who was standing over me, observing me, was the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. Her hair was jet black with randomly placed blond highlights. She was wearing pink framed sunglasses which hide her eyes. She had on a pink and black corset with a pink and black bow with fishnet underneath. Her jeans were black with zippers where th pockets should be.
    "Well, look who finally decided to wake up." said the girl and then waited a second as if she was waiting for me to talk. "Yea I know you cant talk so don't worry about trying. My names Stella. This is Hayden. I'm guessing your wondering whats going on, so I'll tell you. Hayden and I are vampires and our leader sent us here to recruit you. We're terribly sorry for changing you with out your permission but thats just how our rules are. Anyways our leader wants to recruit you because he thinks that you have the potential to join our clan. How ever if you decide you don't want to then we have antidotes to turn you back into a human but theres only one bad thing about turning back... If your wondering when you wont be paralyzed anymore it should ware off about the same time that Hayden bit you. When your no longer paralyzed we'll take you to the lair to introduce you to the leader."
    They walked out of the room and shut the door. I was alone in my own room now. I digested what they had just told me and wondered if it was true or not.
    When I was no longer paralyzed I got up and looked at the clock. It was 1:24 A.M. around the same time Hayden bit me. I walked over to the closet and changed. After I got dressed I went to the bathroom and washed my face. When I turned the water off Stella came in.
    "It's time to go now." She grabbed my hand and we walked to the door where Hayden was waiting.
    "About time" he said as we approached.
    "Oh, shut up" Sella replied.
    The three of us walked outside. When we finally got to the ground floor Hayden opened the door to a Aston Martin Rapide. It was the most expensive car I had ever been in. Hayden and Stella sat in the front while I sat in the middle in the backseat. The car roared to life and we started moving quickly. I looked out the window and every thing pasted in a blur.
    How could we be going this fast in NYC?
    We started going toward The Upper East side. When we got there we parked the car in a garage and exchanged it for a BMW M5.
    "Why are we switching cars?" I asked.
    "We don't want anyone following us" Hayden said. Then he made a hand gesture and Stella grabbed a blindfold.
    "Here put this on" she told me.
    I hesitantly grabbed it and put it on. I realized how cold the car was and started shivering. "Why do I have to wear this?" I asked.