• Once long,LONG ago there was a marsh. Not any old marsh though. It was named The Marsh Of Creatures! The creatures here knew not what they were and knew that the humans didn't know either which is why they were feared.
    There was one creature named Ryan. He was the most fearsome of the creatures and he knew that. Which is why he used it to control the other creatures and the humans.
    He had first tryed very hard to deal with the humans to make a deal not to kill the others kind. His plan did not work because the humans feared him the most. So he was attacked the minute the human gaurd lookout, Jim, spotted him. He had gotten wounded in the eye hard enough that he had to get his eye removed and have an eye patch over the socket.
    He then gave up on the thought of the creatures of the marsh and humans being able to live in peace. So he decided to take charge of the creatures by using his fearsome face and strenght to get some creatures on his side-they mostly joined because they feared him-and they took out the others.
    So now he had an army. They had been trained well enough to attack the mayjor city, Buck, for the first part of the invasion. Ryan had picked Buck because if he had that city he would be able to take the rest easy.