• The moon is red. Wait, what? The moon's not supposed to be red, is it? It looks like the moon in some vampire movie. Heheh, it's kind of cool looking.

    Where am I? Ugh, what is that disgusting smell?! And what's this red stuff all over me? It's the same colour as the moon, just a little blacker. It's warm, and sticky. Hey, it's on my face, too. I know what it is, I just can't pull up a word for it...

    OK, first I need to figure out where in the hell I am. OK, I'm... sitting on the ground. That much I get. There's... a wall behind me. It's grayish, and feels greasy... Hey, where's my shirt? Where's all that silver light coming from? The moon is red. Why would the light be any different? There are no other lights around.

    OK, back to where I am. OK, what colours are around me? Red. The moon and that weird liquid are red. Silver. Everything is illuminated in a grayish light. Black. Everything else is black. Well, this place is boring. OK, sounds? Um, something loud, and humming... uh... Wait, don't tell me, I know this word. Um... cars? Yes, cars! OK, now, what is around me. Walls. Three walls. The one in front of me, the one in back of me, and the one to the left, all the way back there. There's no other wall ALLLLL the way to the right. Damn, these walls are really long! There's no ceiling, either. Um... what's the big black boxy-lokking thing over there? Uh, what's the word again? Um... it' a ... dumpster? Yes, that sounds right. OK... but what are these black lumps in front of me?

    They look like big fat rats that just came out of the sewer. They have all that red stuff pooling around them, too, like when you get out of the shower and all the water pools around your feet. Heh, they must be the feet of multi-legged giants that just came out of the shower. I wonder where the rest of the body it? They might be big black bogs with red rabbies spit. Maybe they're HellHounds, and there really is water in Hell, just it's red. That'd be pretty cool. Or, maybe, they're aliens that just got out of the shower, and they have some weid kind of water... stuff.

    Ugh, but what is that rank smell?! I know there's a word for what it is, but I don't remember. Um... uh, what is it...?

    I really want to know what those things are. They're kind of cool looking. Ugh, the floor feels weird under my hands and knees. I hate crawling like this, but my legs won't work. Egh, the smell is all over them, and really bad, too. This one's really fat, like Mr. Liebermann was. Heh, the red stuff's all over this thing, too. Maybe I was touching it earlier and the stick stuff got on me.

    This thing is really squishy. No, it's squishy there, not here. Now, it feels like... like... skin. Decayed skin.

    Wait. I know what this red stuff is. I know this word. Oh, God. No... no... It can't be! It's blood. And this smell... This permiating, disgusting smell in my soul... Death. No, no, what's going on? This thing, this black, mass of flesh...

    Is a person. A dead person. No, there's more than one. There's five. Ugh, what's happened here? Wh-why am I here? Why am I still alive?

    No... No... It's not true. I didn't kill them. I couldn't have! No... no... I... I...

    I killed. Not one, but five. I killed them, and I don't even have the guts to remember that I did. I'm a monster!!!

    Someone's screaming. No, did someone see?! No... That's me screaming. I'm screaming. I'm... am I bleeding? Are my eyes bleeding?! No... I'm crying. Ugh, the blood is dripping onto my hands. My bloodied hands...

    My heathenous hands. My dirty hands. My sinner's hands.