• Back in this room again random emotions flooded inside of me all at once. But you don't know the story do you? It all happened on March 28,2008.I was 14 then and very popular. My name is Bonnie I have short wave dark brown hair and olive skin. On this day whole life changed.
    "Okey okay settle down kids.",Mr. Harry said, "We need to get back to science."
    yes I thought I looooovvvee science. I was sitting next to my two best friends Adam and Amanda.
    Adam was 15.With blond hair that went down slightly below his ears. And light skin. He had been my best friend since
    Sixth grade. We met in Amber Park. That day my mom and dad went to a wedding. I was as board as heack at
    Home alone so I went to the park younger Adam and some of his friends were playing soccer and younger
    Adam's team was a player short. That's when he looked over to the swings and saw me.
    "Hey you girl on the swings,"I looked up"yeah you. Do you want to play soccer?"The younger Adam
    asked.So i played on his team and we won!After that we just started to talk to eachothe and then BANG.
    Friends for life.