• The West Trail
    They ran as fast as they could, the wind tickling their skin and their feet splashing up the muddy water onto their jeans. They ran toward the darkness of the alleyway, sirens howled behind them like wolfs howling toward the moon. Lights shined brightly against the dark moldy bricks of red and brown, graffitied with gang symbols and vulgar words that can only be spared out of a youth’s mouth. Damien ran ahead into the dark alleyway and jumped the rotting chain link fence that blocked their way to a temporary freedom. She could hear the wheels of cars screeching loudly behind her on the worn down concrete. “Rachael this way!” Damien called out from the darkness; she turned quickly into the alleyway and ran towards the rusting fence.
    Rachael looked at Damien on the other side, his blue eyes glared at the entrance of the ally way with worry. She threw the large sack over the fence quickly. They heard car doors slam in the distance and the angry pattering of feet against the damp pavement as they splashed up the muddy water. “Rach hurry, before they catch us!” Her fingers wrapped them selves around the old steal and she scurried up the fence, jumping down on the other side, landing in a manner that almost resembled a cat. They both looked back at the other side of the fence to discover the silhouettes of numerous men hurrying towards them.
    Damien grabbed her hand and forced her to follow him. Together they ran out of the alleyway and into the dark backstreets of the city. The moon was shining brightly above the trees that surrounded them; a gust of wind blew the leaves around them in a mad furry. The sirens were once again on their trail and the red and blue lights hit them. They continued to run, following the spots of light coming from the lamp posts of the town. Damien held on to the pack, Rachael was close behind him.
    A black car pulled out in front of them quickly and two men jumped out. Soon the two youths were surrounded; men in blue uniforms pulled out their guns and aimed them at the two. There was yelling all around them, angry commands and flashing lights, panic took a hold of all rational thought. Damien dropped the bag and large clips of money were spilt out on the ground, he went for an item inside of his jacket pocket, but it was too late. A bang broke through the loud noise of the sirens, followed by another, and then another until Damien had fallen to the ground. The sound of Damien falling was enough to make Rachael’s stomach churn.
    She cried out in horror and fell to her knees with shock, she felt sick, her head was pulsing, and the world blurred as tears stung her eyes, her dark hair fell in front of her face and two men rushed to her side and slammed cuffs down on her wrist. Rachael was shoved into a car with no sympathy. One of the men shut the door in her face angrily, before running back to look at Damien. Through the fog on the window and the tears, she could barely make out the silhouette of Damien, who was lying on the ground, motionless.