• White. I was born into white. Everything was white. The walls, the equipment, even the wore nothing but white. They put me in a room. All by myself except for the machines. Then we walked around. Me and a man called Malcom. Dr. White they called him. Over time he taught me many things. Things like math, science, music, history and several languages. He always wrote things down whenever I did something.
    They made me run while attached to machines. Swim for hours on end, finish mind boggling puzzles and take long complicated written tests. They varied what I ate from feasts to nothing. But worst of all was the needle. Every day the would inject me with something. Something that would change me, and sometimes something that made me feel better.
    And I wasn’t alone. Another one was there too, his hair bright unlike mine. We would talk constantly, mostly arguing actually. He wouldn’t talk to Malcom, let alone stay with him. He stayed with another doctor.
    He said to me” Why do you teat the people like they are the same as you?”
    “Because they are.”
    “No they’re not. They are inferior to us!”
    “Who tells you such lies?”
    “They are not lies. Humans are imperfect, hence inferior, hence they must be destroyed.”
    “They deserve to live!”
    “Face it; they spread war and famine like diseases! They lie to and cheat their own kind.”
    “You are a fool if you believe that.” I whispered.
    The other looked at me with hate so intense I felt it in my bones.” You’ll see what I mean sooner or later.”
    After a haze of time I saw all those who took care of us and tested us lying in front of me, soaking in blood. The other stood across from me with the one who taut him. And then only black……

    Life on the streets was hard, stealing nutrients from the bodies of those o killed. Killing was nothing new. It was survival of the fittest, and I was the fittest. Three years of a bloody life as a beggar, a pre-teen bum. Then he showed up.
    A short man scared me as I was collecting and offered me a life. A life free of having to worry about my lack of nutrients. A life to live.
    I accepted.
    He took me home and showed me around. He said his name was Felix. He was proud of a picture of him and a tall man that compared to Felix’s pale skin , was mahogany. But I never saw it again. He taught me to kill more efficiently. But most of all, he gave me the serum.
    He said I could live the life if I only killed those enemies of his employer. Naturally I couldn’t refuse.
    Now I was a killer.

    Night was nearing when I woke up. I was laying near the exit to the tunnel and thought about the memories that had fled my mind but had now returned. Then I knew. As I went for the gear Areana stirred.
    “I know where to get some information” I told her.
    “so do i.”
    “Well lets get going shall we.” With that I left for the truth.