• "H-hello? Is anyone there?" Phoenix sat shivering in the cold, windowless, frightening dungeon. She got no answer. She calmed down, then she rubbed her hands together. Soon, a blinding light cam from her hands. She laughed. Phoenix shouted,"My powers are back at last!"
    "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Aaron yelled. His servants cowered in fear, afraid of what was coming. Aaron took a breath. "I told you all to make sure Phoenix was quiet, am I correct?" The servants all nodded nervously, afraid of what was coming. "I said that she must be gagged, starved, and chained with her hands and feet bound, correct?" Again, the servants all nodded. Aaron looked at each servant, then fixed his gaze on a little girl, half his age, and one third his size. "You," he said to her, "Are a foul little servant. Get out of my sight! I told you to watch her, and you failed! Now she can escape, now that her powers are back! I can't believe that you and I were born to the same parents!!" Aaron was livid. The servants gasped. Aaron, the horrid master, had forced sweet little Raquel into labor? His own sister? But the worst was yet to come...