• He knew that something interesting was going to happen soon.

    Akiro was lounging on a bench, looking half-asleep, though the young man was probably more alert than most. He had to be... he was, after all, in near-constant danger from those who hunted the Kinetics. But his arms were crossed on his stomach, and his eyes were half-closed. No one would take a second look at him. Even with his all-black clothing, he looked like just any other young man in the city. And that was what he was relying on. Remaining hidden in plain sight.

    It was certainly a lot easier than trying to elude the Controllers once they realized he was a Kinetic. That would no doubt end badly, once he was discovered. And perhaps that was the fate he was so casually lounging in wait for. Someone, certainly, had been running. It might have been him. He sighed lightly, brushing his hair back from his face, waiting for the scene that had already been shown to him to play out.

    If only he could know what was coming... what the purpose was in seeing that vision. Perhaps he had unconsciously been attempting to warn himself. It was often forays into his own future that were the most blurred... as if his future was shaky, or ill-defined. Perhaps that was what being a Kinetic did to someone. He had never tried to see another Kinetic's future... part of the problem with that being, of course, that he had never met another Kinetic. But he wasn't eager to meet one, either. That simply doubled the chance that they would get caught. He knew very little about others with powers like his, but he knew the ones who posed the most danger to him. Minders. To be able to force your way into another's mind... it was a fascinating power, in theory, but the very idea that someone would be able to read his innermost thoughts left the young man feeling rather... violated. There was a reason he thought some things rather than spoke them out loud.

    Perhaps it was another foray into someone else's future that he had seen. Certainly, it had been along this stretch of sidewalk, but it was possible that the scene wouldn't play out for years now. His precognitive powers rarely stretched beyond the reach of an hour... but it had been known to happen on occasion. Had he really been seeing something from that far in the future? It was a possibility. But still. He had only been here for half an hour. It was very possible that he simply had to be patient.

    There had been a car, too. A black car, with two figures in it... a small, delicate frame that belonged to either a girl or a young boy, and a stockier figure that was undoubtedly a man. He couldn't even tell if the two visions were related. Perhaps that was who was chasing... whoever it was. But why would someone run away from a car? It seemed rather useless to him... but possible, if someone was desperate enough. He shook his head slightly, trying to organize his muddled thoughts and keep the rain from his eyes.

    He knew something interesting would happen. He just didn't know when.