• The last bell rang out far too soon. I wanted to stay and talk with him but I knew I had to go.
    "Well bye," I said a little sadly. He seemed to hear the underlying sorrow in my voice.
    "See you later," Chris said a smirk, like he had some kind of inside joke, spreading across his face. I Left the room before he even moved from the seat. I had to get home before it got dark, which was hard when you live across town. Plus winter made the night fly in quicker. I went on my way not noticing my friends as they waved and called to me. I was halfway there and the sun was setting already. I had to find a faster way. I knew the fastest way were the back allies and only i would be stupid enough to actually go there. It was darker in the allies the shadows of buildings making it eerily so. I tried to run a couple times but only manged to trip and fall and ruin the palms of my hands. So i walked at a normal pace. Then something wet fell on me and i spun in a circle confused. I ripped off the blanket that i guessed had fallen from a line above. The wind had picked up and the cold bit at my cheeks.

    "Hey Phia where are you going." I froze at the familiar vocie behind me.

    "Leave me alone, Owen," I said.

    "Oh don't be like that come have some fun with me and my friends," he asked me. I shook my head as the memory i tried so hard to suppress shot up to the front of my mind. Cold hands, smokey breath. No no no no, I can't think about it i won't. I continued to walk, before i could make it to the mouth of the alley Owen grabbed me and pulled me against him. He was a least a head taller then me. He tilted his head down to the level of my ear.

    "Don't be rude," he whispered. His breath smelled like beer. I shivered as his cold arm wrapped around my waist. His other hand rested on my shoulder and I was trying my hardest not to shudder. That was the first time i saw it. At first it was a bright light coming down from the sky. As it came closer the details of it became clear. He reminded me of someone but at the time i had no idea who. He glowed bright as day. Huge wings came out of his back and before i could tell what was going on i was wrapped in those wings. They were warm and comforting. That was the last thing i saw or remembered. I woke up a few hours later home in my bed and tucked in............