• Pale moonlight washed over the unicorn like water, contrasting it's pure form against the dark woods. The horn glinted in the light as it shook its head with a snort. Below its horn, just between its eyes, was a blue crystal that glowed with some sort of magic, like a life source.

    A young woman, clad in a silver gown of silk, approached the unicorn with a kind and calm energy about her. She stretched her graceful white hand out to touch its face as she smiled warmly. The woman was a unicorn in likeness: long silver hair, porcelain-like skin and innocent gray eyes. She was pure at heart, therefore, she could see the unicorns of the Grove.

    Suddenly, the unicorn reared back onto its hind legs and kicked its front legs in the air as it let out an intense neigh. The woman backed up out of the way when it came back down on all fours. The unicorn scraped its left foot across the ground as it lowered its head, pointing the beautiful but ever so pointy horn at the woman who was now backed up against an apple tree that bore silver fruit. The unicorn was ready to charge and impale the woman into the tree. What had she done wrong?

    It advanced slowly towards her, not charging at her as she expected. Was it playing with her? The unicorn had never done that before. The woman knew that this was not how they play, this was how they fight and kill. She moved around the tree and ran for her life through the lush, green forest that lay sleeping at this ungodly hour.

    The unicorn cantered after her, always hanging in the distance, mocking the woman for her human abilities. She refused to stop, only to slow down for a breath and look back to find more unicorns joining in the chase. During one of her glances, she caught sight of a young colt joining in the not-so-innocent game. What happened to them? Why were they doing this? The questions ran through the woman's mind faster than her heartbeat but no answers came. All she knew at the moment was that she had to get to safety.

    The gate came into sight and the woman was almost out of breath. She could hear the unicorns quickening their pace, they knew what she was doing. They had to get her before she went through the gate because they can't leave the Grove. This brought a smirk to the woman's face, even though it was sad. But the Grove was the best place in the world, why wouldn't the unicorns want to leave this place? They obviously didn't want her leaving either.

    The woman ran through the gate, falling over as she reached safety. For a single heartbeat, she could feel the magic flowing over her, cold as water, then the wet grass and hard ground. Home free! She smiled, happy to be on the outside again but deep inside, she wanted to go back to the Grove. That's why she never left before, it was perfect. But now, the unicorns were sick and she had to get help.