• Cool! I hope he shakes in his boots! I gave a small evil smile. I had a real ability to revel in some people's uncomfort, but I hated misery.

    "Ayla, you know that somebody is coming today right?" Nicole inquired.

    YesI signed, a little confused. Why?

    "Because we wanted you not to worry about Him.." she answered.

    I frowned. What happened to him anyway?

    She sighed. Isabella tore his throat out. Shawna ran away, and we don't know what happened to her after that. She signed back.

    How did you know to come so fast?

    Max wouldn't leave us alone, so we followed him. We got there in time to stop him from killing you. Andrew caught you when he threw you to get away.

    Good. That b*****d deserved to die. Now nobody will know what it feels like to be the receiver of his fury.

    "Ayla, are you feeling well enough to eat?" Nicole asked aloud.

    I shook my head. My throat still hurt from the abuse it had taken.

    I will make breakfast though.

    I turned and started pulling pans out for french toast, the way my Mama makes it. With cinnamon and sugar folded in the middle, all gooed together with melted butter.

    I listened to the chatter around me as I cooked. It was always a favorite past time for me, and I had earned a reputation in the house as an exceptional cook.

    "Ayla!! Do you think you could come over here for a second?" My friend Cody called.

    I turned to him and nodded. I flipped about 8 pieces of toast onto a plate with skill and walked to him.

    He put his arm around my shoulders and raised a glass full of sparkling cider."To my brave friend Ayla for finally sticking up for herself and for learning to cook. Without her we would not be so well-fed, nor so happy." he drank.

    "Here, here!" Cheered the cabin's inhabitants.