• Bunnery and I turned white as Piplup annouced she found Ash and Dawn. I was so happy to see Ash's face again, my head was filled with questions and future comments. So Bunnery and I started to asked questions
    "How did you find them?"
    "Were they standing there all along?"
    Piplup hung her head in shame
    "Come with me" she said softly.
    10 minutes later, she said "I saw them lieing there on the ground, I check their pulse and heartbeat and there was nothing, not a single soul. I'm sorry if you think Ash and Dawn were alive."
    Bunnery started to cry
    "Whoa, Bunnery are you crying?"
    She was as she cried on my shoulder
    She really missed Dawn
    and I missed Ash
    but now a question
    "Who or what done to them?" I whispered.

    END OF PART 2 and A HALF