• My name is Nami Lynn Cullen.
    I go to Nightwing High School.
    During my summer vaction..i was sent to a camp called
    Camp HikeFord.
    Which to me is a very dumb name..but anyway
    my parents sent me here to get some "Fresh air"
    If they call lumpy beds,early sleep,horrid dinners and rude people..
    They can keep their great out doors.
    As I arrived into camp i mumble how life for me will go down hill.
    "I know you didnt want to do this honey,but think of this as..a vaction from the
    noisy town we call home."
    "It's not like i had a choice to come here anyway." I mumbled.
    "Mom..why couldnt i just stay home where at least i can be with people i do know.Not at some boring old camp."
    "You never know hon. You might even make new friends.Besides i came here when i was your age.You'll be fine."
    "What if i dont fit in?"
    "Dont worry.You'll be alright."
    With that we pulled onto the dirt road,i said my goodbyes,grab my bookpack
    and went foward to the worst summer ever.