• The Enchanting Tales of Elves and Wizards: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

    Leaves fell slowly and silently pattering the earth as a light, chill wind blew through Godric’s Hollow. Bright moonlight cast down flooding the empty streets with a milky soft light. Terrified eyes could be seen peering out anxiously behind closed curtains in nearly every home on every block. The eyes suddenly widened curiously as hooves clattered lightly on the cobblestone. A beautiful unicorn walked slowly past the homes, her long silvery mane flicking up as the wind drew around. The fear in people’s hearts began to fade and courage slowly flooded back into them, their hands bravely reaching for their doors and gently opening them. Although still cautious but very curious, everyone looking confused, amazed and bewildered, they stepped out of their homes following behind the mysterious unicorn.
    She moved forward towards the most shattered and broken home in Godric’s Hollow. She suddenly stopped and looked around the broken planks of wood and crushed brick. She carefully pushed aside the debris only to find two lifeless, cold bodies before her. Silver white tears streamed from her glistening blue-violet eyes. Bending her head gently she bowed to them as if to say, “Goodbye.” She could hear alarmed whispering and wailing behind her.
    “Is this is a trick? - Oh my God. Not the Potters. - Where is he hiding? - We shouldn’t have come out here.”
    Their clamoring was suddenly silenced when they heard the sound of a baby crying. The unicorn’s ears perked up listening intently for the cries. She began to search through the rubble and wreckage using her horn to push aside debris. She flipped a piece of plank away and found an infant boy bundled up in a very soft elvish silk wrap. She recognized the wrap for she had given it to the Potter’s as a gift the day after the young boy was born nearly a year before. She thought to herself, “Has it really been that long already?”
    No sooner had the unicorn found the child that she transformed back into her true shape and gently picked the child up cradling him in her arms. He stopped crying immediately feeling warmth and gentleness emanating from the woman. She turned to face the spectators who stood in awe of the light of things. The woman brushed the boy’s tousled hair aside revealing a lightning shaped scar on the right side of his forehead. The people looked on in astonishment at the boy amazed that he was still even breathing. She carefully stepped out of the debris and walked into the small crowd which was beginning to grow as more and more people gathered up their courage and came out of their homes.
    She walked past them all softly but swiftly. They followed her starting to mutter to themselves puzzled about the whole thing wanting to ask the woman questions but knowing better to wait. She turned a corner sharply and walked quickly up to an elderly man with a long silvery beard. Although being so old one could still see the youthful joy behind his eyes. He very much resembled an old friend she once had long, long ago. She looked into his blue eyes her own eyes beginning to fog up with tears. She spoke then looking down at the infant.
    “Tel' hin ya coiar.”
    “Indeed,” said the elderly man, “He will be famous for being ‘The boy who lived.’”
    The people behind them started muttering more amongst themselves now at this new revelation.
    “The boy who lived…” They kept saying.
    “Dumbledore,” spoke the woman in a soft, elegant voice, “where will he go? Lily and James are gone and all of James’s family too…and, well…Lily’s family…must he go to live amongst the race of men?”
    “I am afraid so Eledhwen. It will be best for the boy,” said Dumbledore dismally.
    Witches and wizards were peering over Eledhwen’s shoulders trying to get a good look at ‘the boy who lived’. She thought it amusing considering that they had surely seen him many times before when Lily and James took an evening stroll with him. But the fact that he had survived against ‘You-Know-Who’ seemed to make him all that much more fascinating to them. Then one wizard pushed his way through the crowd and came outright asking Dumbledore, “So is he dead?”
    Dumbledore looked at him and shook his head and said, “I do not know. But it seems that at least he has been severely weakened to the point of being on the edge of death.”
    “So has he been defeated then,” asked the wizard prying for a more sure answer.
    Dumbledore simply replied stroking the long beard on his chin, “Hmm…Well yes, it seems he has.”
    The crowd let out a roar of cheers their fears completely gone now. Most of them rushed off in nearly every other direction shouting that ‘You-Know-Who’ or ‘He’ had been vanquished by the great Harry Potter. Some stayed behind to touch the scar on the boy’s head, no, the symbol left behind signifying the defeat of Lord Voldemort. Once everyone had gone to spread the glorious news Eledhwen let her tears begin to flow more freely. She stared down at little Harry Potter thinking of James and Lily. She felt so much torment and sorrow in her heart. Then Dumbledore put a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her.
    “You blame yourself far too much.”
    “If only I could believe that,” she said lamenting.
    “I think it would be a good time to send out word of this news,” said Dumbledore thoughtfully.
    “I think everyone has already gotten the message my friend,” she said looking up at the hundreds of owls flying frantically overhead in every direction. Just then two large birds appeared above head and perched on a nearby fence. One was a large and handsome Phoenix with tail feathers as long as a peacocks but far more splendid with red and gold plumage the other a swan-like bird with long sparkling snow white wings tipped with an icy blue color. Dumbledore pulled out a piece of enchanted parchment and quill and the letter prepared to write.
    “Dear Professor McGonagall,” mused Dumbledore, “It seems that Voldemort has been vanquished, I am sure you have heard the news already of course and that you know that the young Harry Potter was the source of his destruction,” the enchanted quill scribbled all this down quickly as he spoke, “Unfortunately the young boy’s parents Lily and James did not survive and so I request your assistance in locating his existing Muggle family immediately so that we may send young Harry to them. Thank you. Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore,” He then added quickly, “P.S. Crab cakes and hog swill, stormy weather and candle wax, back ache and feather quill, I’ve got my sense of humor back!” He said the last bit in a sing song manner leaving Eledhwen giggling to herself.
    “Might I borrow your quill and some parchment,” she asked him as she carefully wiped away any remaining tears in her eyes while still holding the infant. He pulled out another piece of parchment from under his hat and let it float about. The quill prepared itself for another message.
    “Dear Hagrid,” spoke the soft-voiced Eledhwen, “please be so kind as to meet Dumbledore and myself outside your house at Hogwarts. I am sure you are out celebrating with friends after hearing the good news; however this is extremely urgent Hogwart’s business so leave as soon as you receive this message. Thank you. Sincerely Eledhwen en Imladris…P.S. Albus found his sense of humor buried somewhere in his beard so he’s saying silly things again. Just letting you know!”
    The two of them chuckled amongst one another for a moment. Dumbledore rolled up the parchment and handed one to each of the birds.
    “Fawkes I need you to take this one to Minerva McGonagall if you would and of course you Silme will go find Hagrid. I’m sure he’s having a mighty good time somewhere in the Leaky Cauldron.”
    “Be careful not to be captured Silme by any bird connoisseurs. You are quite a rarity considering you’re the last of your kind my dear.” Silme crooned at Eledhwen seeming to understand what she was saying.
    The two took flight then leaving a trail of flame and ice behind them disappearing into the flock of owls above.
    “Well then,” said Dumbledore sighing, “I suppose now we should hurry along to Hogwarts before the Ministry comes to investigate these matters. I don’t quite feel up to staying behind here for a lengthy questioning and giving out answers I do not have. Besides I think the boy is getting a little hungry,” he said looking at the infant in Eledhwen’s arms. He had started squirming around a bit scrunching his brow about and whining a little. Eledhwen held him closer to herself keeping him warm and wrapped tightly in the elvish blanket. Eledhwen left first, viewing her desired destination in mind and using a side-along apparition spell to transport herself and Harry to Hogwarts. Dumbledore took a moment to look over at the Potter’s destroyed home and bowed his head in silence for them then vanished completely.
    All characters and quotes from Harry Potter belong to © J.K. Rowling

    All characters and quotes from Lord of the Rings Trilogy belong to © J.R.R. Tolkien

    There is absolutely no homosexual or non-canon pairings in this fanfiction whatsoever, so all yaoi/slash/crack fans can kindly take yourselves elsewhere as this particular fanfiction will most likely not interest you in the slightest.

    As you can already tell this is a fanfiction based in the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings worlds. There is only one original character that I have incorporated into this story (so far). I have no intention of deeply changing the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings story lines except to fit my own character(s) significantly into these worlds and connect them in imaginative ways.

    This story is for my own personal enjoyment and fun of writing it. I accept and encourage all sorts of critique on my writing and if you notice any written mistakes, which I am sure there are many of, please feel free to point them out for me. Thank you and hope you enjoy my stories.