• Glance out the window, a subconscious intake of breath. Seen it a million times, yet every time is different to the last in every way, and at the same time identical in every way to the last.

    Somehow managing to merge from a fiery red to a mystical purple, trees, hills, anything silhouetted against it's awesome light looks as magical as the wizards and witches of legend.

    Sat there, stood there, where ever it is looked at from, will make you pause, just for a moment, and during that moment, inner peace can be found.

    Like all things, this beauty has its end, but a similar, almost identical beauty may be seen in 12 hours' time. It happened yesterday, and the day before, so it has since the dawn of time. But who is to say, with ultimate certainty, that this really is so? It has happened before, yes; but so have the dinosaurs.

    Uncertain of ever chancing upon a gem such as the one that ends each day, the necessity of waiting, in unbearable hope, for another one, becomes an obsession. It takes over the mind, all other aspects of everyday life - birthdays, anniversaries, work - are all forgotten. not all at once, but gradually, like the gentle slope of a small hill.

    Any missed chances would be the utmost disruption of the soul. Unsure of ever seeing the face of your obsession, waiting, watching for the next, becomes your sole occupation...