• Yuki ran down the halls of Konoha academy"s**t I can't believe I'm stupid enough to forget that"She thought as she ran.She had left her recenlty received hitai-ate,the symbol of her maturaty in her classroom."Oh please don't be locked"she said to the door as she knelt down to quietly open her homeroom door.It slid open with easy"Yes!"she thought with a smile.She slowly stuck her head in the door and peered into the classroom,it was completely empty except for her Sensie , Iruka who was in the process of writing something.She glanced over to her desk,were her headband lay in plain site"God I'm such a fool"She thought to herself as she pulled her head out of the class."Ok Yuki we can do this its just like sneaking out of class-only we're breaking into class,and its empty" Yuki encouraged herself with a whisper.She began quietly sliding the door wider.When she heard giggling coming from her classroom,she poked her head through the door again,her face turned a bright red at what she saw.Iruka was now sitting on his desk with his head towards the ceiling with a blush spread across his face.He was giggling slightly as a silver-haired man was nipping at his neck and moving his hand up Iruka's shirt "Kashi" She heard Iruka moan.Yukii quickly pulled out of the doorway "Ok-well now there are two people doing.....yeah,no problem right-I-just have to make it to my desk and back not that hard right?"Yuki tried to encourage her self,but her courage was dewindling,and fast.She heard louder moans and groans coming from her class"Maybe I should leave it,and get it tommorow-no what if someone takes it"she began argueing with herself."But I can go in there with them doing THAT"She mouthed,she held her head in her hands attempting to think of a solution,thats when she heard it."Oh Kakashi-yes yes!!!!"Yuki froze,eyes looking towards the class,she closed the door quielty.Silently Yuki stood and started heading down the hall "That's it all get in later and never forget anything in Iruka's class again"She thought to her majorly disturbed self

    ~Back in the classroom.
    KAkashi stared straight-faced at Iruka "What's with the dramatics?All I did was unzip my vest" Kakashi said pulling away from the chunnin. Iruka gave a cute smirk"Sorry one of my students was foolish enough to forget her headband,and so I taught her a lesson." Kakashi grinned "my Ruru I didn't know you were so sneaky"Kakashi said giving Iruka a kiss.