• My name is Kiri. Kiri Mokena. I'm not you average dumb blond (no offence). I have brown eyes, blond hair, and I wear glasses. I am Asian, if you haven’t guessed and I’m English. My mom is Japanese while my dad is Caucasian er...white.
    Many people what to be Asian and blond, but me...I’d rather not. I’m smart, I’m pretty, and I’m blond what more could the world want. I’ll give you three good reasons why you should never be blond, smart, and Asian.
    #1. You get beaten up quite badly, that when you come home your parents don’t even recognize your face.
    #2 Many friends...I mean SOME friends dig dirt on you for the most popular girl at school.
    #3 Your parents don’t even listen to you, and worse!!! When you get in trouble your punishment is a friendly meet with a splinter covered wooden board.
    I’m an “A” student. That means...well that means exactly what it says. I make A’s. I also am a swimmer. Which is also a reason that gets me beat up pretty badly.
    I seriously hate it when people point at me whenever I have a black eye...or something. I mean it’s not half bad being an a student and all. Its not as easy as you think. In other words I’m a nerd.
    If I am anything...I’ll probably be the dumbest kid in school. Yet since I have this damn IQ to thank for being pushed, punched, and kicked like I’m a bean bag...er...something.
    The only...I mean ONLY two people that I trust wholly and absolutely are my best friends. They are Serena and Kyra.
    Kyra has been my best friend since second grade. Not to mention that she is totally gorgeous. She has brown, naturally curly hair, big blue eyes, and full pink lips. Oh... And she Loves Chocolate. Loves it. Loves it Loves it. I’ve tried that stuff...it must be the grossest thing that people have ever made in this whole dang world. Yep... Now you know. I hate chocolate...
    Every boy has once had a crush on her, or has one on her now. God...I wish I were in her place. If only...
    Serena is my more recent best friend. She has an up-turned nose. She has naturally red flaming hair. It’s so beautiful... Its like a red hot flame, that glows in the darkness and never whither. And green eyes....those forest green eyes.
    Me? I’m just flat-chest, Asian-blond Kiri. What could the world hold for me? Hmmm? What could God do for me? I’m stuck in this black whole, this never ending cycle of doom.

    The alarm clock rang....ding.....dong....ding!!! Agghhh!! Stupid damn alarm clock!!! I threw a pillow at it. BAM!! I heard a crashing and breaking sound....Ooops am I’m going to get swatted.
    I hurried to the bathroom put my clothes on, took a shower and arrived to school. You know the normal things...
    I ran all my way, just on the off record if I would ever be late. I greeted my friends as we approached the old, rusted metal building called our school.
    Joy. Another day of torture.