• I slowly un-clung myself from the wall and joined him in the hallway. He opened the door and closed it again after I had walked through. We were both in a waiting room that looked the same as the hallway. A cherub fountain stood in the middle of the room, spurting water from its mouth as it played a small harp. Julius gave me a tour of the rooms in the back. One room had a traditional Japanese hot spring bath with hot water already drawn. The next room had showers and toilets. The next was a dressing room with a complete vanity table and clothes neatly folded on a bench. Julius explained that the shampoos and soaps were already in the showers. The towel and hair dryer were in the dressing room. He led me back to the waiting room and turned to face me.
    “I’ll be right outside in the hall. When you’re done, I’ll escort you to the boss. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to bother you; the boss would skin me alive. I’m not that stupid you know.”
    He turned and left, locking the door after it was closed.
    I started to doubt having a bath. I knew these guys could be capable of anything, which meant they could sneak in here unnoticed. There were no windows, and the only way in was the door. I could probrobly hear the lock click if it were unlocked. I looked down at myself. My clothes were torn and bloody all over, and the gashes stung like needles. If push came to shove, I wouldn’t be able to fight back in my current condition. Against my better judgment, I walked to the dressing room to undress and get the towel.
    I washed my hair in the shower, and was surprised to find it was extremely filthy. Even after washing just this morning. After rinsing off, I sat in the still warm bath. The water stung me at first and then became soothing to my gashes and bruises. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the side. I relaxed until the water started to cool down. I wrapped the towel around me and made my way to the dressing room. I sat at the vanity table in my towel and started combing my hair. I then dried it with the hair dryer and put it in a low ponytail. I went over and laid the clothes out flat on the bench. They were a pair jeans and a black sweatshirt. I found the jeans to fit snugly, and the sweatshirt was loose enough to move my arms around easily. I checked myself in the mirror. I had to say, I looked pretty good. It would be much easier to bargain with their boss if I looked more presentable than I had before the bath. I was still sore, but I could move easier without going stiff. I threw a few punches at the air to make sure I could defend myself. Each punch was enough to knock out breaker. I checked myself in the mirror once more and headed out to meet Julius.
    I stepped out and closed the door behind me. Julius sat on the floor with his large arms folded. He stood when I got near enough to touch him.
    He looked at me and gave a crooked smile.
    He shrugged “Good enough.”
    Excuse me? I thought to myself. I took that bath for me, not trying to impress you. I almost let my anger get the best of me, but I caught myself. This was probrobly not the best time to be mouthing off. I cleared my throat instead. “Let me talk to your boss” I ordered. He just gave me a funny look.
    “I don’t think you should be telling me what to do.” He said with a bit of acid to his tone. I couldn’t help but take a step back. He smiled knowing I wouldn’t try being brave again. He called the elevator once more. I stepped in and the discomfort reared its head again as well. It lasted longer this time as Julius had pushed the button leading to the very top floor. I rolled my eyes. It wasn’t surprising the boss wanted to be above everyone else. I didn’t know him yet, but I could already tell his ego was bigger than the great wall of china.
    The elevator finally stopped after reaching level 15. The doors opened to the same view as the spa, a short hallway with double doors at the end. Julius and I both stepped out, and he walked me to the door. He turned to me with a stern look on his face.
    “I will go first to tell the boss you’re ready to see him. I suggest you don’t try to run off. You think you may be strong enough to make it out of here, but we have at least 800 men staying here. Guards are posted all around the hotel. Even if you manage to escape, you won’t get far.” With that said, he knocked slowly then went in before receiving an answer. I leaned against the wall beside the door. I knew what he said was true. There was no way I could take down all of the takers. I was strong, but not stupid. Being 15 floors up didn’t help me at all and Julius would most likely stand guard at the door, which meant I couldn’t just run. I had to think of some way to get out if push came to shove.
    The door opened and Julius stepped out. He closed the door behind him and crossed his arms.
    “You’d better keep your tongue in your mouth if you want to make a good impression. Try not to talk to loud, and only talk if he asks you a question. Got it?” I nodded. He opened the door for me and shut it without coming in himself.

    The room wasn’t exactly as I had suspected. Nothing was moved out of place. Everything was clean and tidy and looked untouched. There was a sitting room, a bedroom off to the side, a kitchen, bathroom and a large window looking out over everything in Sydney. That’s where the boss stood. He had changed out of his jeans and tight shirt, and instead wore a black suit and red tie. His hair was in a neat ponytail with his hair slicked back at the top. Now he looked as important as he was said to be, instead of the ‘shoot everything’ gangster I took him as. Of course, the suit made him look the part of the mafia, but it was better than a street punk.
    “Before I turn around” he startled me by saying “ I want to know if you’ve taken care of those gashes.” I smiled. Could it be he was afraid to see blood?
    “No” I lied “ I haven’t changed or done anything since you threw me in that cell.”
    He turned around and looked at me with the same acidic eyes as before. I took in a sharp breath.
    “I thought you were afraid to turn around” I said calmly.
    He shook his head, “I just didn’t want to see you looking like a dog off the streets.”
    I fumed at that, but settled as I remembered how filthy my hair was. “Speaking of dogs, you don’t look to bad yourself” I snapped back.
    He chuckled and thrust his hands in his pockets. “So you’ve got some bark too. I’ve already seen the bite.” He lifted a hand and rubbed a small purple bruise on his jaw. “That was quite impressive. I would have never thought a scrawny thing like you could take me on”
    I shrugged “Believe me, it wasn’t that hard to do.” He gave me an icy stare and took a step towards me.
    “I believe we got off on the wrong foot. Let me start again. I’m the leader of the takers, as you my have already guessed. Everyone here calls me ‘boss’. You may call me Angel.”
    He made a low bow to me and straightened up. “Now that I’ve made my introduction, would you so graciously tell me your name?”
    I went and sat on one of the chairs in the sitting area. “Misty, Misty Parkes. I’m not the boss or servant of anyone. You can call me Misty, not Mist. That’s all you need to know for the time being.”
    He nodded and turned back to look out the window.
    “There is one thing I want to know that I’m quite curious about.” He said slowly.
    “How were you able to run through a battle and live? The odds were obviously against you, but you came out with only a few minor injuries. It’s mind boggling.”
    “I’m just full of surprises” I said. “I got out the same way I got in. I ran.”
    “I’m sorry to tell you, but that’s not going to work here.” He came and sat down across from me. He laid one leg over the other and laid his hands in his lap.
    “That brings me to a question I need to ask you” I said slowly. He looked at me with general intrigue. “Go on.”
    “I want to know why I’m not allowed to go home, why I have to stay here. I’m not a threat to you.”
    He stared at his hands for awhile, trying to figure out an answer. Then he looked up at me.
    “You may not see yourself as a threat, but you know too much already. You know what the building is and what it looks like. You know my NAME. That would be enough for Hades to find me.”
    “But that’s not my fault! Your lackey brought me here. I had no choice...”
    “...and I’m saying I HAVE no choice. Think of it this way. Here, you’re under my protection. No one can hurt you. Outside, awaits Hades. He does not have the pity and compassion that I do. He would do everything he could in order to find out information about us.”
    “So I’m being held here as insurance? Just so no one finds out you’re real name?!”
    He stood quickly and was in front of me in two steps.
    “It’s more than that...”
    “I doubt it. You don’t care what happens to me or anyone else, so long as you win your stupid war!”
    He slammed his hands on the arms of the chair. I winced a little under his intense stare.
    We both stared at each other. I was stunned at his expression. It was so serious and hard, but there was still a touch of sensitivity to it. He relaxed his grip on the arm rests and stood straight again. He walked back to the window and leaned against it, as if all the air in his lungs had been knocked out in one blow.
    “I’m sorry” He sighed. “I didn’t mean to be that forward. You just...you just have to understand. You coming here all of a sudden, it just caught me off guard. I’ve only been in of boys my age. Never a girl. Yes, I care about winning the war, but I also care about what happens to my men. And since your here, that includes you.”

    “But I won’t tell anyone about this, I don’t want anything to do with this war!”
    “Too bad. You’re here to stay, and I’m not letting you go.”
    He walked to the door and opened it for Julius, who came in silently and stood beside my chair.
    “Julius, take Misty to the suit below mine. Show her around and leave her to herself. I’ll come to fetch you...”
    “I’m not a dog” I said coldly.
    “...for dinner later.” He finished. He waved a hand at Julius and turned back to stare out the window. Julius held me by one arm and pulled me to the door.
    “Oh, one more thing.” Julius and I both looked to Angel, his smiling face caught by the setting sun.
    “Be good, Misty. Don’t do anything stupid.”
    Before I could snap back, Julius dragged me out of the room.

    An odd dinner

    As soon as Julius left my room, I began throwing anything I could lift. I also tried out my vocab, consisting of:
    “That’s stupid, arrogant a**!” and “Who does he think he is?! Treating me like I’m a house pet!” and even as creative as “GGAAAAAAAAAA!”
    I stopped to catch my breath, most of the room had been ruined, everything practically torn apart. I sat on the only edge of the bed that didn’t look broken. How could this happen! I know I stayed too long at school, but this didn’t seem real. And what about my mom? She must be worried sick. How was I going to go back? Maybe I could look around for a door no-one bothered to guard. I listened at my door, it seemed quiet, but why? I turned the handle and...Yeah, locked.
    I gave up after awhile and went to the window. It had the same view as angels. The sun could just barely be seen above the water in the quay. Its ray stretched like arms across the water’s surface. I could have watched it forever, but Julius came in.
    “Dinner is done. Misty right?”
    “well, misty, you have two choices”
    “On the one hand, you can eat with all the other men in the mess hall. On the other, you can join Angel in his room.”
    “My choice?”
    “What if I choose the one Angel doesn’t like?”
    “He thought you might say that, he says that if you feel you must sit with the men, he will continue to treat you like a dog.”
    “If I do eat with him?”
    “You’ll be promoted from mutt to lap dog”
    I thought on this for a moment and smiled, “ alright, I’ve made my choice”.

    The mess hall was exactly as the name specified. It was like my school’s cafeteria, except the custodian had taken off for the day...or maybe the month. Trash and food were everywhere so you couldn’t take a step in any direction without slipping or hearing a crunch under your feet. The walls were a dull beige colour and the roof had multiple holes in random places. I stepped lightly while Julius lead the way, not bothering where or he stepped or what he was stepping on. All of the men sat on benches that were set side by side to make a long table. Most of the men barely glanced my way. The ones that did were as average looking as any man on the streets. I started to think angel was only boss because of his looks. His...sculpted looks. The looks that made you go weak at the knees like jelly...
    Stop it! Common sense screamed. He’s not your type! Think of how he treats you!
    The sensible me listened to it, but the hormone side still tried to conjure his image in my mind. I was so caught up with his looks, i didn’t notice when Julius had suddenly sat between two men that barely caught up to his shoulder when sitting. He beckoned me over to a seat he had cleared in front of him. The men giggled as one man next to the seat dusted it off and sat a dirtied napkin down. I was beyond insulted...
    I was now graduated to pissed!
    I walked coolly up to the table, and wanted to giggle myself when I noticed the men’s faces as I jumped onto the table and leapt into my seat. I pulled the napkin out, blew my nose, and kindly handed it back to the man sitting next to me.
    “So, what’s on the menu?” I asked sweetly.
    The men, still perplexed all looked at one another. Apparently, they thought all city girls were pompous and snooty. Boy did they get one hell of a surprise. Then the man with the napkin laughed beside me. He looked about late 20’s, just starting to get a few crinkles at his eyes.
    “Well, that was right entertaining. I’m jack.” He held out his hand.
    I took it without hesitating. No weaknesses here, that would get me far.
    He gestured to the man on my other side, who looked about 18 and rather moody. “that there is riley, but just call him riles.” I nodded and he turned the other way. Yup, moody.
    The two next to Julius are the twins, Tyler and Nathan.”
    The two smiled and waved symotaneousley. Jack leaned toward my ear.
    “watch those two, they’ll swindle you of everything. They’re womanizer’s.” Both stuck there tongues out at jack, though clearly they were at least 19. Julius slapped both their heads, making me laugh for the first time since coming here.
    “hey, we’re not that bad...” said Nathan, leaning towards me with his brother.
    “...we’re just envied ‘cuz we’ve got moves.” Finished Tyler. Both finished with a wink, like a mirror reflecting only one brother. Julian pulled them back and wacked them again while getting up.
    “behave would’ya? She’s a guest, not a plaything. Which reminds me, i better go tell the boss you’re here.”
    Well, he was on my good list for a minute there.
    “why does he have to know every little move I make in this stupid place?” I sneered. “He think I’m going to mess up his little face?”
    Julian broke out laughing. “you? Take out the boss? I doubt that.” And the others joined him in the joke. I actually smiled too.
    “Why so unbelievable? I already did it once.” What an effect. The whole table went quiet. The men I weren’t introduced to, but still within earshot looked quizzically at me. Julian made a face somewhere between anger and disbelief.
    “YOU hit the boss?” asked both twins.
    “everyone thought...”
    “...he got that during a fight!”
    Julian clasped a hand over their mouths. “shut it will you? That’s not true. The girl’s lying.” But everyone continued to look at me, either waiting for the truth or confirmation. I decided being the centre of attention wasn’t good after all.
    “alright, I lied, happy?” All the guys broke contact and launched into a whole new conversation as I watched Julian walk back the way we had come.
    I wonder what angel will think when he finds his little dog to be not so obedient. Probrobly throw a tantrum.
    Bowls of soup were starting to be delivered all around. By the time we got our shares, the guys had already let me join all they’re conversations. I learned a lot about everyone. The twins were orphans, and helped angel in a snag while a battle was taking place. He brought them back to the hideout as thanks and took care of them. Jack had known angel only a little after the gang had begun t establish, he even helped to pick the men out to join, so he knew just about everyone. I learned from jack that Julian was not just Angels second in command, but that they had been best friends since before the idea of a gang ever came up. Julian had just as much a mysterious past as Angel.
    “What about Angel? What can you tell me about him?” I asked.
    The conversation went silent. Until Riles spoke up.
    “No one knows nothing ‘bout him.” Riles spoke in a flat voice. “And we’re not one to go about asking questions.” He looked at me sternly. I wanted to shrink away from the cold gaze he gave, but I knew that wouldn’t be smart.
    “so you’re serving under a guy that you know nothing about? Have you ever wondered where he came from? Why he’s in a gang?”
    “We wouldn’t dare.” said Jack “ ‘Cuz you’ve never seen him angry.”
    At that moment, the doors to the hall flew open, and in stomped angel with Julian trying to keep up.
    “but there’s no time...”
    “...like the present!” said the twins cowering against each other.
    Jack and riles moved away from me, as well as the twins across the table. I stood up and watched Angel stomp to stand across the way from me. The calm collected face had seen before was now screwed up into pure frustration and anger. His hair was pulled back in a long ponytail with a leather throng through it that made him look like a warrior ready for battle. He was rigid all over, though you could just barely tell from the baggy pants he was wearing.
    Damn, the guy’s weren’t kidding, My legs were shaking like they were turned to jelly.
    “and what, pray tell” he said through clenched teeth “are you doing down here?”
    I sat down and picked up the plastic spoon nearby. “I’m eating genius.”
    I dipped my spoon and slurped the contents. The sound seemed to echo through the quiet hall.
    “I can see that clearly thank you. Let me rephrase. Why are you not upstairs with me but down here eating with dogs?!” he growled.
    I looked at him in mock confusion. “I thought i was a dog. You really shouldn’t confuse people.”
    “The only confused one should be me!”
    “Well, don’t try to work it out, you might hurt yourself.”
    Now his eyes really started to burn. “Either you get yourself upstairs and in my company, or you will be returned to the cell!”
    I stood up and walked calmly over to Julian.
    “Would you be a dear and show me to my block? Thank you.” I waited for Julian to move. He looked back at Angel, but he seemed to be stuck in sheer awe. Julian walked slowly toward the door and held it open for me. I turned round to face Angel.
    “You’re the dog you know, all bark and no bite.” And I turned and left Julian shut the door behind me.