• The air was cool and crisp. Birds cut through the sky, twittering and chirping in an extravagant dance. Across the sky, white wisps went from one horizon to the other, like cobwebs stretched from one corner to another. Sunlight bounced off the clouds and warmed everything it touched.

    Chatter and traffic broke the silence. Slowly it grew louder and louder as life sprang from the mechanical society. Beings arose and went into their daily routines. They came out of solid, bland structures and either strode along pathways already made, or waited for steel beings which ate them and spat them out in different places. Just as seemingly quickly life began, it slowed down to a crawl once again.

    These beings were at their destinations. They came out of the metal creatures and walked into an open area with few trees and bushes- mostly along the sides- and in the center a large object like the ones they first emerged from, yet much larger and more distinct than the others, but still plain.

    The creatures met up with others, who, though they appeared the same, were much different from each other. Some were taller; others shorter, some thinner, some rounder, and even their flesh were different shades. They conversed, went into groups and the noise returned.

    A larger noise, a yell, broke the chatter. The disturbance came from a round, short man. He ran, repeating what he had said before, heavy breaths breaking up each word. “Ildri Nicolas! Get back here now!” The crowd of people began to break up as the middle-aged man chased after his target.

    Everything became quiet, even the birds, expect for the clatter of two pairs of feet, the shuffle of everyone moving out of the way and the constant panting. It seemed as though time stopped for everyone but these two creatures.

    “Not in your life old man!” A light voice called back, breaking the spell. The origin of the voice was the young woman to whom the man was chasing. The crowd began to giggle instead of parting and it quickly grew into a wave of laughter. Ildri ducked and slid through the crowd, snaking her way between one person and another, her long black hair trailing after her.

    The man lost her. He looked around, dumbfounded, but saw her nowhere. Even so, he could still hear her. “Oh come on! Are you getting too old for this?” She giggled and her voice melted in with the others.

    “Hurry up or you’ll lose her again,” the students mocked, one after another as he tried to get his bearings.

    Everywhere he looked he saw people. Left, right, front and back, but he didn’t need to know where he was, he need to know where she was. Pausing for a moment, he thought. She was running, escaping, and the only place that she could escape from was- Before he even finished his thought, he had started off to her destination.

    He didn’t bother to duck or slide between people, they moved out of their way on their own and even if they hadn’t, it wasn’t like he could. The crowd began to thin out, but the noise grew louder. Mixed with the chatter and laughter was traffic. It grew louder and louder and he saw her.

    She was less than twenty feet from the front gate. He grimaced; he was at least ten feet behind her. He sped up, his feet pounding heavily on the ground. She paused; she could hear him. Her nonchalant run came to an end at the front gate and she turned around. Her eyes hit his own and he saw mischievous intent laced within the jade.

    She smiled and waved, “Took you long enough.”

    He was panting again. He could hear his heart beat pounding in his head. Even so, he kept going. Ten, nine, eight feet from her, she still smiled and stood there. Seven, six, five feet and she began to move away. She backed up at the pace he was going at and crossed the street when he came to the gate.

    Their gazes were still connected. She was still smiling. He caught his breath and took a step forwards to cross. Three blasts came out of nowhere. He jumped back and stumbled as a blur crossed in front of him. Just as quickly as it had come, it had left and Ildri had vanished.

    Two figures ran up to the man. One was male, taller and much slimmer; the other was a female, only slightly taller than the first man and slim as well. They came to a stop behind the first and the second man looked out across the street.

    “Again eh?” He commented, looking to the plump man. He solemnly nodded. This was at least the fifth time.

    The female was doubled over, gasping. She looked up and glared at the second man. “This was because you took too long.” He looked back at her and gave a shrug. She sighed and straightened herself, crossing her arms. “But I can’t believe she got away again. Geez… Lidi I’m going to kill you later!” she mumbled, shaking her fist.

    “Now, now,” The second man put his hands up in defence, “We’ll be able to catch her later,” he reassured her. “But, don’t you have to go to class Ellen?”

    Ellen’s face went red; she had forgotten about that. “Y-you better not forget about finding her!” She yelled at him as she began to jog away. “Don’t forget sir!”

    He chuckled and waved after her. When she was out of ear shot he turned to the first man. “This is becoming a problem… isn’t it?”

    He just nodded.

    The second man sighed, “There’s no way we can find her now, now is there?”
    He shook his head.

    “Then all we can do is wait till later.”

    He nodded and turned around. All they could do was wait until she went home. That or when she attended school the next day. Until then, they just had to go on with their daily routines… and somehow bear with the ridicule of the students.