• And she wipes away her tears.
    Singing her lullaby
    Fleeing from the grave
    Unknown to everyone but herself.

    Pulling herself together, she didn't want to know how it happened.
    She read it as a suicide and became emotionally broken.

    It was enough never to be with him.
    But now he was gone from her world.
    She sat in the corner of her room crying silently as the moon brightened her room.

    "Hide-kun.. Doushite? Why did you leave me?" [Translation: Hide-kun, Why? Why did you leave me?]

    And she sat there waiting forever.
    Waiting for it all to be a lie.
    Knowing that he was forever gone
    Wishing it wasn't true.

    She stood up and screamed. Tears still streaming down her face.
    "I know you couldn't acknowledge me. But what I feel for you is different.
    I know you forgot about me. Our childhood memories. But I can't help but fall in love with you. Hide-kun... Are you watching over me now? I'm sorry. All I could do is watch you from afar. Never daring to confront you. But then again, Would you have believed me if I did?"
    She sighed and slumped back against the wall.

    Grabbing her razor she cried.
    "I want to be with you again..."
    The crimson red liquid spilled endlessly untill nothing was left. In her last cold breath she whispered. "I'll still love you no matter what..."

    She knew it was true
    She knew she had to do it.
    This was meant for her
    To be with him once again.

    Two angels up above.
    Holding each other
    Tears of joy spilling.
    With their meeting once again.

    Happiness is all that could Happen.