• Chapter 5: Missing

    Everything this week was the same. Edward picked me up with Alice and the rest of his family, school was all the same, and everything was in order. But there was one thing absent, something I didn’t noticed till after Edward brought me home; Kira wasn’t in school. Few days passed and she still never returned and none of the Cullens ever brought her up.
    “Hey um…Edward,” I asked while we were driving in his Volvo on Saturday afternoon
    “Yes Bella,” he acted like nothing ever happened. He acted like he generally does smiling beautifully and gentle.
    “What ever happened to Kira?” he fell silent.
    “Well…today might not be a good day…” his voice dropped.
    “Why not?”
    “If you want I’ll show you, but what’s to happen is your doing…” he stared at me with caring gold eyes.
    “Why though! What’s wrong?”
    “She’s been acting odd lately. My family and I decided to leave her alone…eventually she went missing. Alice knew where she was though…her usual location,” high snow piles suddenly surround us when I found the car in front of the graveyard entrance. I should have known where she would be. Edward was already by my door by the time I got my thoughts together.
    “She will not be in a good mood. I promise this Bella,” he said with such seriousness, I began to be slightly afraid. I didn’t care though; I wanted to know more, more about why she’s so sad.
    He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car. Our walk was slower than normal, but I liked walking this leisurely with him. As we walked through the entrance snow filled the area like a blanket. The tombstones were hidden, the ground was replaced with white, and the lone tree gracefully swayed with the snow concealing everything. Just as I predicted…she was in the exact same position as before. Resting against the tree, arms wrapped around her knees and crying quietly into them.
    Swiftly I felt a presence within me like something else was trying to overwhelm me. Kira titled her toward us, fire raging in her eyes.
    “Didn’t I warn your family, Edward…” her voice was still that hypnotic innocent tone.
    “Yes…but you didn’t warn Bella though,” he smirked teasingly.
    “You’re resisting…excellent. I like it when people are challenging…but it does get annoying,” the feeling grew stronger. “Your curious of my rage, correct?”
    I nodded; it was the only thing I was able to control on my own. Edward sensed my condition and stiffened a bit.
    “You’re curious of my past, my emotions, and everything else correct,”
    I nodded again, the sensation loosened.
    “Are you prepared for the truth then,” her eyes narrowed faded to green.
    I continued to nod Edward quickly grasped my hand. I know he was just as curious as I am.
    “Walk directly forward from me, down two rows, and down five tombstones to the left.”
    As ordered we walked exactly the way she said. I stumbled on some old leaves and twigs but Edward made sure I didn’t fall. Kira was watching intensely as we stopped before two identical tombstones.
    “Bella and Edward meet my mother and father,” I was almost stunned. Her family’s been here and most of all she’d lived here. Edward stared reading the writing of the headstones, and was still holding my hand tightly yet gently. Kira didn’t move from her spot, her voice became incredibly cold.
    “Do you know what today maybe Bella?”
    I shook my head.
    “Maybe you should give some assistance to your “love” Edward? You should know,” her tone sharp. He looked down for a second.
    “Today is the anniversary of The Fire of Luna…” his voice dragged.
    “The day my love killed me!” she screamed, nearly making me fall. Edward held me closer like he was protecting me.
    “How…I don’t understand…” I mumbled outward.
    “Humans…never understand anything. Fine I’ll tell you my tale…my tale of why my heart became ice…”
    I began to tremble at the response, but also eager to hear why. Somehow I became closer to Kira, Edward must have pushed me closer so I can hear. I tried to avoid contact with her eyes, but I saw they were green…innocent again, I couldn’t resist the only luminous color that she had on her…the rest was pure cold, pale color.
    “I was about five when I moved here…my parents thought this quiet town be perfect…it wasn’t. My parents were abusive…like they ever gave a damn about what I did, I just go home and got hit some more…and for a time I believed that was their way of saying “I love you”…”
    “When I reached age sixteen, I was completely docile…I did whatever I could to avoid all pain I could…pain was all I had to live on, I never had “love” I only had hurt, hate, anger.”
    “Then a boy came when I entered junior year…he was my partner in numerous classes. He was just as collective as I was, but had a smile like no other…pure, beautiful, caring. He was pale skinned, had golden eyes, he looked like what Edward is now…but I never questioned those features. I only saw happiness and sanctuary in him…no pain or rage.”
    I moved slightly closer to Edward, he didn’t show any sign of discomfort. He wrapped his arms around. She stared a little more relieved, her rage and sadness was finally being released.
    “We naturally became close…he had amazing skills I never questioned him on…although I was curious. I neglected my curiosity and accepted his skills as some unique gift only he had. Once I meet his family as well…I found them all equal in beauty and fantastic measures. It was impossible to have such creatures on Earth. Once he found my home dilemma…why I refused to return home after our plans were finished…he promised that he’ll save me someway…somehow.”
    “One day I gathered my courage, hoped he wouldn’t be angry at me, and questioned his perfection…why was he the way he was. He smiled so sincere…so hypnotic…so loving. That’s when he told what he’s really been…what his family were…they were vampires. I was frantic to know…of course I followed all the legends and myths…he pulled me in and held for so long, his arms never going to loosen me. He told me he loved me,” her eyes narrowed again sadness began to invade her once serious voice.
    “It was then I decided to surrender everything, just so I couldn’t experience pain. Love…love…felt so amazing, I wanted more…I didn’t want pain anymore. He came to me one day; he had a plan to save me…I was stupid not to ask what…I immediately accepted whatever it was he planned. He smiled and said I’ll be there to save you, don’t panic when it happens. A few days passed…we’ve been closer than ever, I forgot about everything else in the world, about my life…just so I could be with him…I wanted him.”
    “Then one night…today…my mother woke up hysterical to something. I ignored it at first, but the smell grew worse…it was sickening. In one flash moment, I heard shattered windows and found myself outside of a blazing building. I finally understood his plan; he wanted to kill my parents in an accidental fire…that he made. He stood next to me, smiling again…my rage collecting rapidly…but I couldn’t dare to raise a word. He said all would be alright…I would be with him forever…then moved in closer for an embrace. He spoke so softly that I couldn’t hear…then a burning in my upper shoulder lower neck began…I heard his vile snicker and all went clouded afterwards…”
    “Later I found myself in this graveyard…in front of my parents graves…the love I believed before was gone…never true…it was my life that took the toll…it was my soul that shattered from my blindness.”
    “I refused to be in this town anymore…I wanted to escape. For ten years I ran all over the world, just to find sanctuary. When I got hungry I ran away from any human possible and attacked animals…I hated watching it slowly die under my cause…my doing. So at times I starve trying to prevent pain occurring on the animal, but resistance can last for only a certain amount time. I returned to my home to see what has changed…nothing of course…but I felt a presence of other vampires that proved dangerous. But I starved for so long…my body refused to function, Carlisle found me somehow…and here we are. I wanted to revisit the memories I regret extremely, the mistakes I’ll never do again…the scars I’ll forever have for eternity. For the pain I always wanted to avoid, ended up coming full circle and given me more. For humanity never understands, and this is why I’m enraged…we all live fragile, shallow, shattered lives…it’s the responsibility of everyone in this world to heal and repair them.”